Top 19 Types of Witchcraft That You Didn’t Know Existed!

Lifestyle by  sagnika sinha 28 December 2023 Last Updated Date: 13 January 2024

types of witchcraft

Do you want to know about the different types of witchcraft? Have you read about them? Is there anyone you know who practices witchcraft? Read along to understand the needs and interests of the rituals of witchcraft and witches.

In this article, I will also discuss how witchcraft in the community can be practiced and how it creates a bond among all witches! Please give it a read to explore something interesting.

Top 19 Types of Witchcraft That You Didn’t Know Existed!

Top 19 Types of Witchcraft That You Didn't Know Existed!

For centuries and old times, witchcraft has been considered a significant part of our folklore! Do you want to know what witchcraft is? Wonder what are the different types of witchcraft? Read the blog to learn more and develop an understanding of the types.

Furthermore, it will also give you an idea about how witchcraft is portrayed in storybooks, movies, and other digital mediums. Want to know what is witchcraft? Give the types a read, and tell us what you think.

1. Bruja Witchcraft

This witchcraft is practiced by the descendants of the Hispanic healers, originating in North and South America. The Hispanic culture and the Latina culture have deep roots in believing in witchcraft as a culture.

The witches who practice this witchcraft use spices and traditional herbs to perform magic. They also believe in praying to their ancestors with this witchcraft.

2. Celtic Witchcraft

In Celtic witchcraft, many rituals and myths are mostly based on Celtic ancestry. The roots of it all are inside the practices of the Celtics, where the type of witch and witchcraft honors pre-Christian roots.

Do you wonder how healing and nature are integral to your character traits? In Celtic witchcraft, recovery can be done through individual and group rituals. Group rites help in protecting the coven from enemies.

3. Cosmic Witchcraft

3. Cosmic Witchcraft

This witchcraft is related to astrology, as the witches who practice cosmic witchcraft believe in the power and energy of the stars. They examine astrological signs, the moon’s cycle, and birth charts to develop an understanding!

The practitioners of this witchcraft also deeply understand how the planets impact our lives. Hence, they can make spells and predictions based on your moon or sun sign, along with effectively analyzing your personality.

4. Cottage Witchcraft

4. Cottage Witchcraft

If you are a cottage witch, you know what I mean when I say your energy is mostly focused on homely chores. The Cottage witch is the one who is focused on house rituals, sharing, and exchange of energies that will soothe your soul.

This type of witchcraft is mostly done to create peace and transfer energy. Everyday tasks such as making soaps, baking, or crocheting are something that the cottage witches love!

5. Coven Witchcraft

5. Coven Witchcraft

This witchcraft is defined as a group of witches practicing magic. These witches use rituals and spells and surround each other, thus supporting them. With this practice, coven witchcraft is one of the strongest there is among all practices.

With group witchcraft, the witches perform the rituals by holding hands. They try to connect, along with creating a strong bond.

6. Dianic Witchcraft

The Roman Goddess Diana is a significant element of this witchcraft as the witches worship the goddess and believe in divine femininity. The Dianis witches trust and focus on Mother, Maiden, and Crone.

These witches are quite powerful as they look at the world with feminine energy and power. They believe in treating oppression by strengthening women and empowering them against their oppressors by using rituals and charms.

7. Divination Witchcraft

7. Divination Witchcraft

The witches who practice divination witchcraft are known as augury witches who focus their magic on the future. They use different mediums, such as tea leaves, pendulums, and tarot cards, to predict future events.

These witches are often identified or accused of being mind readers or fortune-tellers in old times. The witches can, at times, successfully predict things about upcoming events, which can raise questions among people who do not believe in witchcraft!

8. Eclectic Witchcraft

This is witchcraft that is practiced by witches who believe in everything and have an understanding of the alignment of spiritual beliefs. Witches with this practice do not fall into a specific category; instead, they are open to everything!

So when you are asking, what is witchcraft mean? The magical prowess of the witches evolves, they can adapt to changing times and events.

9. Elemental Witchcraft

9. Elemental Witchcraft

Elemental witchcraft is practiced by witches with the four elements: air, fire, water, and Earth. These four elements help bring energetic properties to your practices and fuel the universe. The witches harness power from these elements to perform magic and connect with Earth!

10. Faery Witchcraft

10. Faery Witchcraft

Faery witchcraft is one of the types of witchcraft that has its roots in Celtic and Irish mythology, where the traditional practices bring together the power of the fairies. From the elemental spaces, lakes, forests, woodland creatures, and spirits, witches receive power and energy from fairies.

11. Gypsy Witchcraft

11. Gypsy Witchcraft

The witchcraft that the descendants of the Romani gypsies practice has a special place in the supernatural world. The art of divination for them is significant, along with entertaining cultural customs! The magic and blessings of gypsies are often given in big events of life such as births and weddings.

12. Hedge Witchcraft

12. Hedge Witchcraft

Hedge witches are not similar to those witches who practice with the elements of the Earth. Instead, they focus on solidarity along with healing crafts and remedies. A lot of these witches believe in using aromatherapy and making herbal medicines.

13. Hereditary Witchcraft

13. Hereditary Witchcraft

Witches who have the power of magic from their ancestry perform traditional magic and learn through generations. They believe in lore, spells, knowledge, and rituals that are core to the witches’ practices and performances.

14. Lunar Witchcraft

As a witch who worships the moon, isn’t it something when performing rituals, planning lives, and focusing on growth according to the moon cycle phase? The moon’s energy influences witchcraft, along with learning about the correlation with the spells.

15. Shamanic Witchcraft

In witchcraft, shaman witches are focused on healing along with practices of paganism, which mends people’s physical and mental suffering. They must serve the community and always focus on creating remedies, counseling, and rituals.

Furthermore, these witches also used plants, dancing, and drumming to connect to the divine power.

16. Solitary Witchcraft

16. Solitary Witchcraft

Witchcraft that is significantly focused, and only solitary witches practice this craft! They do not like to practice witchcraft in groups ruling their elements, combining different aspects of magic.

17. Wiccan Witchcraft

They believe in religion and rituals that are nature-based and perform paganism! The witches worship the divine powers, and the individuals celebrate the life cycles. The most important part of witchcraft is not harming anyone with their magic.

18. Gray Witchcraft

18. Gray Witchcraft

The witchcraft is not judgmental as it does not practice good or bad magic! Individuals who believe in witchcraft practice thrive on the knowledge that nothing should be judged. Instead, it is about maturity and compassion instead of judgmental beliefs and trust issues.

19. Crystal Witchcraft

The witchcraft related to crystals is unique because you can cast spells using the crystals. For the witches practicing this witchcraft, their crystal is one of the most prized possessions. The energy and magic of a witch are further manifested by using crystals.

So this is also one of the 19 different types of witchcraft! The witches also meditate and perform magic by using their crystals to influence their surroundings. Furthermore, they can read auras and track people’s energy frequencies.

Finishing Off…

Lastly, you learn about the 19 different types of witchcraft and how the practices call on various elements on Earth! Witchcraft is also an integral part of the power that witches use to bond with others.

Comment on which witchcraft technique you already know about how magic is important but not to be used to hurt anyone!

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sagnika sinha

Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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