Fifty dollars in a regular apparel store might not get you past much. However, if you were to skip the boutiques and head into the nearest charity store, you will be in for a treat. Whether you are a struggling college student trying to balance budgets or the ‘fashionista’ in you is looking for an eclectic outfit, the charity store is the answer.
Shopping in a charity shop is an exciting affair. You will not know what to come across and there are many surprises in store. The best part about finding a treasure in a charity shop like is that it is going to be unique. Your friends will ask you where you got that special apparel from and you can keep them guessing.
Check Out These Vintage Styles:
Fashion is a projection of your attitude and vintage fashion is for those who do not like to be dictated by corporate trends. By checking into a charity store and creating your own ensemble of clothes, you are completely defining your own style without any external suggestions. How cool is that?
Vintage styles always have a place. You can look for a seventies revival outfit by picking up corduroys and printed shirts at the used-clothing store. The grunge look is also making a comeback – quintessentially American ripped denim and checked flannel shirts are quite commonly available. Denim shirts and skirts are making a comeback. Leather jackets and dungarees are also enjoying a revival.
Not just apparel, charity stores also have a bounty of accessories – be they retro hoop earrings or the pair of round-framed shades that you cannot find in any regular store anymore.
Fashion Comes Back:
It is common knowledge now that fashion is a cycle. You might see very familiar designs from a few years ago in the latest collections being advertised today. In a charity store, you can find these same designs at a much cheaper rate.
There are certain timeless pieces of everyday wear that will always be in trend. Take jackets for example. This winter, you can get yourself a fleece or down-feather puffy coat at a charity shop. The same applies to denim.
Charity stores have strict guidelines when it comes to what kind of clothes they keep so you will find quality pieces. They source from a large network – sometimes nationwide. Small tip – visit a charity store that is close to a posh neighborhood. You might just come across some really special things.
Other Reasons To Consider Charity Stores:
There are more reasons why shopping in a charity store is something you should be proud of. Your money is going for a good cause. A lot of these stores are part of funding drives that help communities around the country. Another reason to shop in a charity store is the reduced wastage. Fast fashion has quite a heavy impact on the environment across the world and by giving a perfectly good garment a second life, you are playing your part.
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