Let’s be honest: ladies go on menstrual periods usually from age 12 to 55, on average, and in a world of capitalism, it means only one thing – profit. That’s right, the feminine hygiene sector is an enormous industry worth billions.
Each month, ladies across the globe spend between $2 to $20 per month on disposable products they must use!
You may love the world around you and have a zero-waste kitchen and homemade soaps, but if you use and toss feminine hygiene products, you are still adding to the issues. Simply said, you are not a part of the solution but part of a problem.
Luckily, people are turning toward an eco-friendlier and more sustainable lifestyle. This type of living means one thing among others: eco-friendly products designed to last and be re-used.
Now, you can ditch tampons and pads for good thanks to better, healthier, and more sustainable menstrual products.
Why Switching to Eco-friendly Period Products is the Way Forward!
Making this switch is one of the best decisions menstruating people can make. This is
Having an Eco-friendly Period:
It’s an open secret that both tampons and disposable pads are full of chemicals and even polymers that can harm your body.
In many cases, they aren’t leak-proof; some can even lead to sweaty skin and even create moist and itchy areas on your tights and even lady parts.
Plus, having anything full of chemicals on you, or inside of you, can eventually lead to serious illness and even death in some rare cases (like when you let a tampon stay in for more hours than it’s recommended!).
So, what can you do to maintain your health, have more comfortable periods, and help the Planet simultaneously?
Buy vitamins and supplements.
Well, it is simple: all you have to do is to choose eco-friendly period products. Here is why.
Zero Waste Period:
Each month, ladies across the globe use and toss 5.8 billion tampons that end up in the trash. Menstrual products are labelled as medical waste and aren’t tracked, but scientists can still track how much waste they create.
If you choose to have more eco-friendly periods, you should know that there are zero waste periods if you choose to use menstrual panties instead of tampons and disposable pads.
Not that are they only eco-friendly, but menstrual panties are also comfortable, healthy, practical, and reliable. This zero-waste alternative is adequate. Menstrual panties are washable and adapt quickly to all types of flows.
Menstrual panties are far from being grandma’s or momma’s panties. They have a modern design, are cute, and can fit any pants.
Are you not ready to switch to washable period options? Not a problem, as long as you are open to this idea.
It will take time, real-life testing, adjustment, and washing. However, in a few days, you will see that washing isn’t that time-consuming and that living a zero-waste life just takes time.
Reduce Environmental Waste
Conventional pads and tampons contain plastic, which can take centuries to decompose, contributing to global pollution.
Eco-friendly alternatives like menstrual cups, reusable cloth pads, and biodegradable tampons are sustainable and significantly reduce waste.
Save Money Long-Term
Reusable products, such as menstrual cups and cloth pads, have a higher initial cost but last for years, eliminating the need for monthly purchases.
This makes them cost-effective over time.
Safer for Your Body
Eco-friendly period products are often free of chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and bleaches in traditional products, reducing irritation and the risk of pH imbalance.
They’re made with natural, hypoallergenic materials for a healthier option.
Support Ethical and Sustainable Practices
Many eco-friendly brands focus on ethical sourcing, fair labour, and sustainable production.
Choosing these products supports businesses committed to reducing their environmental and social impact.
Promote Awareness and Positive Change
Using eco-friendly period products encourages others to consider sustainable options and helps normalize conversations about menstruation and environmental responsibility.
Wrapping It Up!
Eco-friendly period products are a sustainable, healthier, cost-effective choice that benefits you and the planet.
Talk with your friends about menstrual panties and see their opinions. You might be surprised to learn that they are probably thinking about the same things – practical, healthier, and cheaper menstrual periods!
Happy eco-period!
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