Rewarding the people that work for you isn’t just a noble gesture — it’s a matter of flat-out improving your company’s productivity.
In fact, today’s young generation, which will soon account for 50% of the workforce, names the lack of recognition as a leading reason for leaving a job.
Since your home is the ultimate business, rewards for chores should be high on your list to get the most out of your kids. This keeps your home clean and peaceful, which frees you to get plenty done in your own life while teaching your children values.

Here are some ways you can give rewards for chores:
1. Make It a Pizza Night
Pizza is a winning bet whenever you want to get more out of your kids. It’s a crowd-pleaser, whether you order cheese, pepperoni, or plenty of other combinations.
When you have time, go the extra mile and have a full-out pizza party that will allow the feeling of appreciation to set in. Consider making it a theme party or even rewarding them with decorative buttons.
You can go to a site like so that your kids have a nice little memento to wear with them to the pizza shop.
2. Set Up a Money System
If you want to train your kids for their furniture, consider an in-home money system. Buy some play money, and set up a store in advance so they know the value of their efforts.
Perhaps your child saves up for a new bike, or even just a bag of candy. Either way, they’ll learn money management and the value of doing their best.
3. Give Some Wiggle Room on Bedtime
What kid doesn’t want to stay up a little longer? When choosing rewards for doing chores, consider some bedtime leniency.
Granting your kids even an extra half-hour every now and then can go a long way. Make sure that the extra time is small enough to not interrupt their sleep but long enough to incentivize them.
4. Remember That Kids Love Screen Time
Tablet ownership for kids enjoyed a jump from 7 percent to 42 percent in a 4-year stretch.
Needless to say, you’ll get some results if you make extra tablet time a reward for your child. They would like nothing more than to have a bit more screen time for their favorite games or movies.
5. Let Them Pick a Family Outing
Finally, rewards for kids can also get the whole family involved. You can leverage household chores to get more quality family time.
Tell your child they can pick the next family outing. This could mean dinner at their favorite restaurant, a trip to the park, or even a small weekend getaway.
Your child will get a nice reward, while also bringing your family together, which is a win-win.
Inspire Your Kids With These Rewards for Chores
There are several rewards for chores that will let you get the most out of your family. This will help your home run like a well-oiled machine.
Implement a reward system so you can get more out of your kids the same way that businesses use them to get more out of their employees.
Consider these tips, and check back with us when you want to learn more about entrepreneurship, business, and building the life you want.
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