How to Slow the Progression of Bunions Without Surgery

Health & Fitness by  Harsha Sharma 01 February 2025

how to stop progression of bunion

One of the common foot conditions among many is bunions. Firstly, it is a prime source of constant pain and discomfort. However, there’s a wrong notion about bunions.

Always you don’t need surgery to recover from a condition of bunions. There are many nonsurgical methods too. For example, maintaining a healthy weight can help. 

If you ask me how to stop progression of bunion, I won’t say all non-surgical ways would help. But most of them would certainly help to reduce the chances of bunions by 80%.

Fortunately, all the non-surgical ways can slow down the progression of bunions. Eventually, you’ll be freed from the symptoms too.

What to Expect

Here we will understand who is at a high risk of bunion. At the same time, we will learn some effective strategies to manage bunions. If you are planning to skip that invasive surgery, this blog is for you. 

Are You at Risk of Bunions?

Are You at Risk of Bunions?

I may be at high risk of bunions, but still don’t know that. Is that possible? Yes, it is and the same may happen with any of you too. Therefore, knowing how to stop progression of bunion is even more important.

Basic early care and caution can save you from tiresome and painful surgery later. Firstly, you must know what are the risk factors.

Do you have a family history of bunions? Check if your first-degree relatives have bunions. If so, there are more than 5-% chances that you will also have them at some point in time.

Secondly, people with diabetic foot complications can expect bunions, even at an early age. But why?

Diabetes, if you have that, weakens your joints and muscles. Eventually, it forms bunions.

One of my friends was overweight from an early age. The consultant doctor told him that he had a high risk of bunions. But he wasn’t careful enough. Meanwhile, non of us knew how to stop progression of bunion back then.

The extra pressure on the toe joints and ligaments caused bunions at the end of the day. Plus, you may also have bunions for many other reasons.

For example, people who spend many hours a day on their feet or those with a history of rheumatoid arthritis also suffer from bunions.

How to Stop Progression of Bunion?

Detecting the risk factors is the key to stopping the progression. Well, it’s not in your hands if you have a family history, or your job is the culprit. But for other factors, the button lies in your hands. 

Here are some actionable steps, as per research: 

Wear Proper Footwear

The basic and most important step to reducing bunions is wearing comfy shoes. Firstly you must avoid tight shoes. Also, avoid shoes that are narrow and squeeze your feet. Often I find people wearing heels all day. 

If you wear heels rarely, that’s ok. But don’t make it a habit. 

When the pressure of your feet falls on the bunions, it escalates the problem. It may also lead to further discomfort. It may also speed up the progression. 

What Can You Do?

In this case, people suffering from bunions due to wrong shoe selection can do these. Start with wearing shoes that rightly fit in. 

Avoid bigger or smaller sizes. It is also better if you can wear shoes with a wide-toe box. Amidst everything, your toe must spread out easily and naturally. 

You can also choose shoes with an arching support. Such shoes clinically distribute your weight around the feet. Hence the stress on and around the bunion also decreases. 

What to Avoid?

Shoes that have zero extra space are a big NO! Also, avoid shoes that don’t have a good foot padding. Once your feet move freely, the chances of a bunion become 50% lesser.

Hence I suggest wearing orthopedic shoes if you have the risk of bunions. Search brands in your area that specialize in orthopedic shoes.

Use Bunion Pads or Cushions

Bunion pads or cushions are specially designed to reduce friction and pressure on the bunion, providing relief from pain and irritation. 

These pads are usually made from soft, flexible materials and can be placed directly over the bunion area. 

Not only do they help protect the bunion from the pressure of shoes. But they also provide a layer of cushioning that can make walking and standing more comfortable. 

Some bunion pads are designed to stay in place even during daily activities, giving you lasting relief throughout the day.

Try Toe Spacers

Bunion toe spacers are a simple yet effective tool for relieving pressure on the bunion. These devices help realign your toes by gently separating them, reducing the inward angle that contributes to the formation and progression of bunions. 

Toe spacers can be worn while you relax, watch TV, or even while you sleep. Regular use helps restore alignment to your toes and alleviates strain on the bunion joint.

One highly recommended toe spacer brand is Correct Toes, often endorsed by podiatrists for its ability to reduce the progression of bunions without surgery. 

Specifically designed to improve foot alignment, Correct Toes work gradually to reduce the effects of bunions over time. Made from flexible, durable material, these toe separators gently spread the toes, helping them return to a more natural position.

Their thoughtful design encourages proper toe alignment, helping to reduce the pain and discomfort typically associated with bunions.

Stretch and Strengthen Your Feet

Try to do some foot exercise per day, at least 30 minutes or so. Such daily routine can add strength to the muscles around your bunion area. Exercising is not only helpful for bunions. 

It also keeps your feet healthy. So, you can stop worrying about how to stop progression of bunion. 

But a big question is- what exercise helps? You may simply stretch for added flexibility. When the tightness is gone, the pain also vanishes usually. Meanwhile, other exercises like toe curls, picking weight with feet, etc can also help.

Other Pro Tips

You can also increase the strength of your arch. Once the weight is distributed evenly across the feet, the strain on the bunion also becomes lesser. For me, exercises like towel scrunches helped a lot. 

You simply place a towel on the floor. Meanwhile, you use your toes to pull it toward you. This is the best process to relax your intrinsic muscles and add support to your bunion region.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight is the prime reason behind faulty bunions. When your weight is less, the added pressure around the bunions is not there. Hence, bunions spread much slower. In many cases, the spreading stops permanently.

Maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can also improve your overall health, keeping your body in optimal condition for managing bunion pain.

If you are unsure of what kind of exercise or diet plan is right for you, it may be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist who can guide you through the best options for your specific needs.

Apply Ice or Anti-Inflammatory Gel

Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain caused by bunions. Ice packs should be applied for 15-20 minutes several times a day, especially after activities that put stress on your feet. 

In addition, anti-inflammatory gels or creams can be applied to provide targeted relief from pain and inflammation. These topical treatments can offer temporary relief and make it easier to engage in your daily activities without discomfort.

Rest and Avoid Overuse

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to manage bunions is to rest your feet and avoid overuse. If you’re on your feet for long periods, try to take breaks to sit down and rest. 

Overuse of the affected foot can worsen bunion pain and contribute to the condition’s progression. If you experience significant pain or discomfort, consider adjusting your daily routine to incorporate more rest and reduce the strain on your feet.

Break Free from Bunions!

Slowing the progression of bunions without surgery is entirely possible. Now you also know how to stop progression of bunion. With the right combination of preventive measures and lifestyle changes, that’s easily possible.

By wearing proper footwear, using toe spacers, performing foot exercises nd more you can avoid bunions. But more organic techniques are maintaining a healthy weight, and applying ice or anti-inflammatory gel. 

You can also manage bunion pain and prevent further deformation. While bunions are a common condition, there are many ways to alleviate discomfort and reduce their impact on your life, all without the need for surgical intervention.

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Harsha Sharma

Harsha is a seasoned writer and a huge advocate of self-care. Having completed years in the corporate sector, she’s on a quest to share her experience with the world. Whether it’s about The Daily Grind or the act of putting Mind over Matter, she’s free to share her ultimate recipe to nail the 9 to 5 life (and the life beyond.) While free from nailing her writing deadlines, she often finds herself following REAL trends, current affairs, facts, trivia, and entertainment. And when it comes to a life beyond 9 to 5, she can guide you on what to read, binge, and hype for!

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