How to Improve Business Efficiency: 3 Tips

Business by  Mashum Mollah 21 May 2022 Last Updated Date: 05 February 2025

Business Efficiency

Let’s face it: even if your business is running smoothly enough, it could always be better. Maybe a project has fallen slightly behind schedule, or meetings tend to drag on for a bit too long.

However, it’s important to remember that a few small things that have fallen by the wayside can make it difficult to get your traction back. By focusing on improving your company’s efficiency, you can avoid all kinds of annoying issues that impact productivity and your bottom line.

Read on to discover three expert tips for improved efficiency in your business operations.

1. Improve Your Communication

communication improvement

Two major sources of inefficiency in businesses are meetings and emails. By communicating more effectively, you can reduce miscommunication and wasted time.


Although it’s so easy to communicate with employees, suppliers, and customers these days, having an “always-on” approach to communication is a double-edged sword.

Because we’re always on our laptops or smartphones, we tend to over-communicate via email – sending loads of short emails as issues crop up one by one. This results in bloated inboxes and wasted time for the sender and receiver.

If your business relies heavily on emails, think about other quick ways to communicate. Sometimes, a short call to a supplier or employee will suffice, and making a call can take a lot less time than constantly emailing back and forth.


Another area you might want to look at is the duration and frequency of your meetings. Although meetings are intended to serve the purpose of relaying information, sharing news, and making decisions, they can also be highly unproductive.

If you have meetings too frequently or their duration is too long, they can actually disrupt a productive workday. The solution is to reduce their duration and frequency or only hold them when discussing high-value tasks or emergencies.

2. Encourage Feedback

Encourage Feedback

An excellent way to identify the inefficiencies in your business is to encourage feedback and actively work on solutions. Utilizing online surveys for businesses is an excellent way to collect valuable insights from both employees and customers regarding their experiences with your workplace or products. If you come across complaints highlighting shortcomings in the business, work to improve them.

For instance, you may discover that your employees feel overextended or underutilized in certain areas or that customers are dissatisfied with your products or services. When you identify areas for improvement, take the feedback seriously and try to resolve these issues.

3. Automate Where You Can

Automate Where You Can

Although business automation has become a hot topic in recent years, there’s a good reason for that.

When utilized correctly, automation can reduce or eliminate time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks and free up valuable time for your employees. When you free up more time for your employees, they can be more productive by focusing on high-value tasks.

You can automate many tasks, including payroll, automatic supplier payments, data backup, and social media management. However, something to bear in mind is that not all tasks are worth the cost and time to automate, so you need to strike a balance.

Only automate what will make your company more efficient. Don’t get so wrapped up in automating everything that you get distracted from successfully running your business.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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