Whether you admit it or not, a good tooth set is like any other stable investment. If they are looked after on a regular basis, the teeth can serve a person well into their sixties or seventies. If you’re wondering how to keep your teeth healthy, the articles are for you!
However, most people think that simply brushing their teeth once or twice a day is enough for maintaining good oral hygiene. Sadly, it is not that easy. For instance, visiting this reputable cosmetic dentist based in Boynton Beach can help you when you’re in need of specific treatments.
People wishing to maintain the health of their teeth need to work for it, and that work consists of avoiding many things.
How To Keep Teeth Healthy | Importance of Oral Health

Your mouth is one of the primary entry points for bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. As you may already know, there are at least a billion microorganisms residing within our bodies that work to take care of our health. Yes, they are not always the villain they are painted to be.
In our mouth, bacteria are present on the surface of the teeth and palate, all of which play a significant role in immunity and digestion. There’s a group known as opportunistic microorganisms, specifically bacteria, that can switch sides as soon as the environment triggers the villainous side.
When you do not take care of your oral health, you risk an infection that is caused by our friend-turned-foe microbes. Here are a few ways healthy teeth help you in the long run:
- You smile brighter!
- There’s no bad breath
- Eliminates the development of gum diseases
- Avoids other diseases that can be caused due to microorganisms gaining entry from your mouth
- Saves healthcare costs
- Improves overall health and wellbeing
How to Keep Teeth Healthy | Easy Activities to Follow!
Now that you know why keeping your teeth healthy is essential, here are some of the activities that people must avoid to keep their teeth healthy:
1. Smoking
We all know the adverse health effects of smoking. The impact of this much-practiced habit on teeth is equally bad. Regular smoking tends to leave a layer of residue stuck on the teeth. Over a few years, constant exposure to smoke will naturally make the teeth lose their natural shade of white.
2. Using Teeth as Tools
Ever used the teeth as a tool, for instance, to open a bottle cap? If the answer is yes, what people need to ask is, ‘how much can you fix a chipped tooth? ‘ Using teeth as tools causes the jawline to be exposed to rigid forces. This exposure to rigid forces usually results in either a chipped tooth or badly swollen gums – either of which is very harmful to the teeth on a long-term basis.
3. Exposing to Ice
Exposure to ice can cause the nerve endings present in the mouth to send weird transmissions to the brain – this usually leads to the patient getting brain freezes.
Although brain freeze is not considered too severe by most dentists, it is still worth avoiding.
4. Tongue Piercing
Tongue piercings serve as the ideal location for bacteria. Having a tongue piercing and not checking or cleaning it could lead to all types of infections in the mouth, including teeth or gum infections.
Hence, if someone has a tongue piercing, it is highly advisable to take extra care of oral health and clean the mouth regularly.
5. Nail-biting
Biting nails can cause the teeth to become askew. The consistent bending and tampering of the teeth regularly via biting nails could cause them to misalign. In addition to that, nail-biting as a habit can cause damage to several sets of teeth, especially the external enamel portion. Biting nails can also chip the teeth.
6. Eating Lemons and Not Washing the Mouth
Lemons may be the perfect source of vitamin C, but they contain high levels of citric acid.
Citric acid can rapidly wear down the enamel on the external portion of the teeth. So, whenever you are consuming lemons, make sure to wash your mouth.
7. Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol unsupervised is also a big no. People who enjoy drinking must ensure that they take extra measures to avoid tooth decay. For instance, some people eat spinach with wine as spinach has a natural tooth-protecting effect on oral health.
Oral health is essential. It not only affects a person physically but also psychologically by leaving an impact on the general attitude. Just by avoiding these habits, you can quickly achieve a set of healthy teeth.
Keep Those Pearls Shining!
How to keep your teeth healthy is an essential question that everyone should be asking! Alas! They don’t until it’s too late to reverse the damage caused by years of poor, tooth-damaging habits.
With the tips in this article, you can easily take care of your teeth and boast them until your hair turns grey! Yes! That’s the power of habits that keep your teeth healthy. It is not a mammoth task, but it surely does help if you have the proper discipline.
Tell us what other habits you are following to keep your teeth in great shape!
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