Smoking Kills – A Quick Guide to Help You Rise Above Your Smoking Habits

Health & Fitness by  Harsha Sharma 21 January 2021 Last Updated Date: 14 September 2024

Smoking Kills

“Smoking kills” is a common saying that we have grown up hearing. Still, many fall prey to this habit after reaching the age of adolescence. This article illustrates the habits to replace smoking for them! 

There are only a few who tend to realize their mistake and think of smoking cessation to save themselves from the grip of health risks that smoking poses to them.

So, are you someone who is on the verge of quitting smoking and in search of a nicotine replacement? 

Why is Smoking Wrong – 5 Reasons Why You Need to Quit it! 

Why is smoking wrong - 5 reasons why you need to quit it!

It’s no secret that smoking and consuming alcohol are some of the most vicious habits for you. Here’s why you need to stop smoking: 

Smoking is one such habit that can damage nearly every organ in our body. Despite that, people cannot get rid of the habit! 

The current smoking rate in the US has declined by 7%, with the number of people quitting it on the rise. 

More than 4.8 thousand people lose their lives to smoking in the US alone – that’s an alarming number when you extrapolate it for the world. That’s enough reason to take up habits to replace smoking. What’s more interesting is that smoking causes more deaths than the following combined:

  • Alcohol consumption or illicit use of drugs 
  • Motor vehicle injury
  • Firearm-related circumstances

Here are five reasons why you should consider smoking cessation: 


Smoking is one of the leading causes of heart disease. Smoking can lead to the development of atherosclerosis – the build-up of plaque in the blood. This is a problem when the plaque increases and sticks to the blood vessels. 

There’s further damage to the circulation as blood cannot flow freely through the clogged vessels. Think of it as a pipeline – if something is blocking it, water does not flow easily, and the outlet releases very little/no water. 


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is common in people who smoke cigarettes – especially regular smokers. The condition is also known as bronchitis or emphysema. 

The condition occurs when the lungs get clogged with phlegm or damaged. Smoking-induced COPD is the third leading cause of death in the country. 


Emphysema is one of the severe forms of COPD where the alveoli reduce in number, and there is a breakdown in the walls. This makes breathing difficult and the person may even need an oxygen mask. 

Oral Issues

Smoking is known to cause many oral health issues, such as bad breath, stained teeth, reduced sense of taste, and dry mouth. 

Smoking irritates the tissues present in the gum. This gives access to the germs which later cause several gum diseases such as halitosis.   

Skin Issues

Smoking is known to reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches the skin. Remember the clogging of blood vessels due to smoking – this is how the blood supply to the skin tissues dies, too. 

This can lead to baggy eyelids, wrinkles around the lips, coarse, dry skin, and temporary yellowing of the fingernails and fingers.

Decreases Immunity 

Smoking is known to decrease the immune function in humans and increase inflammation. Tobacco smoke can increase the smoker’s susceptibility to infections such as influenza and pneumonia. 

It makes the person sick for a longer time, which can have a severe impact on their quality of life. 

Thus, smoking has both short- and long-term effects on the person. 

Now that you know the magnitude of harm that this habit can cause, let’s look at the ways to quit smoking. 

5 Habits to Replace Smoking Today!

5 Habits to Replace Smoking Today!

Here are a few tips on habits to replace smoking that can help you out in your cessation journey: 

Keep a Positive Outlook: Quit when You have positivity all around 

You are more prone to quit smoking successfully with a positive mindset. Being surrounded by stress and worries can make your quit-smoking task a difficult one to achieve. 

So plan and initiate a stop when you feel good, and things seem no less than a bed of roses. Positive thinking is one such habit to replace smoking which will help you handle stress better. 

Positivity around you gives you an adequate boost to quit smoking; thus, consider making a positive change when you feel good from within. 



Vaping is an emerging trend that is being adopted by most smokers who plan on giving up smoking. It provides a helpful hand in ditching smoking habits. Also, it is less harmful in comparison to smoking as it involves e-juice

Vaping reduces the cravings for nicotine and helps you win the battle against smoking. So, if you are someone planning to kick-start vaping, you can consider visiting to explore an all-new world of vaping. 

NRT Products

NRT products

There are ample NRT products available on the market; you can buy any one that suits you best. Ranging from nicotine gums, patches, and sprays, you can consider using them after seeking advice from an expert. 

Getting Support

Many smokers who have attained success in quitting say that a support system is necessary while being on your voyage of giving up on smoking. It may be your family members, friends, community, peers, or any of your close ones. Get them by your side when you think of calling it quits with smoking. 

They play a significant role in encouraging you while you hit hard for your goal and can also get you back on track if you try to deviate from your path. Also, you get a few people who can lend their ears to you to hear you out about how you are feeling and the hardships you might face during the journey. 

Reward Yourself

Smoking not only affects your lungs adversely but also costs you huge in terms of money. Though you may not come to know the same when you buy a packet or single cigarette, when you add them up, you will be surprised to see that you might have already spent a fortune on purchasing your smoking staples. 

So now, since you are calling off your smoking habits, you can use the money to buy yourself a reward that will boost your spirits. 

It may be your favorite gadget, jewelry, or holiday package, try treating yourself to your favorite rewards, and it can work as a wonder in your quit smoking motto. 


These habits to replace smoking can help you immensely when you decide to quit smoking. But one needs to be determined to quit this habit.

Merely thinking about giving up smoking won’t help; you need to have that instinct of giving it up triggered by the tips mentioned above to attain success in your quit-smoking goals.

How soon are you planning to quit smoking?

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Harsha Sharma

Harsha is a seasoned writer and a huge advocate of self-care. Having completed years in the corporate sector, she’s on a quest to share her experience with the world. Whether it’s about The Daily Grind or the act of putting Mind over Matter, she’s free to share her ultimate recipe to nail the 9 to 5 life (and the life beyond.) While free from nailing her writing deadlines, she often finds herself following REAL trends, current affairs, facts, trivia, and entertainment. And when it comes to a life beyond 9 to 5, she can guide you on what to read, binge, and hype for!

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