What is the Solution to Your Company’s Recruitment Problems?

Job & Career by  Mashum Mollah 30 September 2019 Last Updated Date: 27 November 2024

Company’s Recruitment Problems

According to a survey among Philippine companies, 49.3 percent of human resource departments considered recruitment as one of their top three pain points. A separate survey relayed that 44 percent of Millennials, who now make up the majority of the local workforce, admitted that they expect to quit their job within two years.

Experts say that there are two main strategies to solve recruitment issues: improving your hiring process and increasing internal hiring. If you work in your company’s human resources team, you should consider the following strategies to avoid recruitment woes.

Improving Your Hiring Process

You might unknowingly be relaxing your standards when you’re aiming to fill more than five vacancies while dealing with the other responsibilities. Review your hiring procedures and check if your company is already doing the following tactics.

  • Test your candidates. An applicant’s résumé is a great way to check on their talents and job experience when you’re in a rush to fill positions. But you should verify the applicant’s worth through rigorous skills tests. Although you can ask them to do generic tests, some advanced assessments can give you a more accurate analysis of their capabilities. This will help you identify who’s the right fit for your industry and company culture.
  • Clarify job requirements. Be thorough when writing the job description you’ll be posting online. Don’t just provide a brief paragraph, write down all the requirements an applicant needs to do the job. What educational background does it need? What kind of skills are involved? Is there a specific mindset you’re looking for? A thorough list of requirements will help you sort out applicants ill-suited for the job.
  • Multiple interviewers. Even if you’re short-staffed, find a way to ensure that more than one person will interview the applicant. Get their opinions and impressions of the applicant. Aside from a representative from human resources, sit down the applicant with their potential supervisor. They’ll be able to tell you if the candidate will fit in with the team or if you should expect friction.

Increasing Your Internal Hiring

Making your hiring process better is only half the solution. To make some serious progress in reducing your recruitment problems, you must increase your company’s number of internal promotions and hiring. By doing so, you can focus your hiring process on entry-level jobs, which are low risk to the company. More internal hiring and promotion also increases employee retention and ensures that the applicants are familiar with the procedures and culture of your company.

  • Check how many job openings are filled internally. You may be surprised by how few of your vacancies are being taken by trusted and experienced members of your company. It may provide the incentive for increasing your internal hiring.
  • Understand the expense of external hiring. New hires take time to fully realize their potential, not to mention all the training and adjustment they must go through before they can excel in their job. It might take months or years before they’re really earning their place, assuming they stick around for long. Hiring from within your ranks negates these costs and fosters employee loyalty.
  • Post job openings internally. When you allow employees to move up within the company they may perform better in their new position. You give your colleagues a chance to realize their potential and perhaps be happier in their new rank or team. This could also increase employee retention.

You secure your company’s future when you improve your hiring procedures. Look into your current recruitment process and see how you can make it better. Sometimes, you just need to look in rather than out to find the right pool of talent.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com.

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