Why Is Surrogacy Legal In Ukraine And What Are Its Specifics?

Legal by  Mashum Mollah 30 June 2021 Last Updated Date: 13 February 2025

surrogacy legal

Today, most European countries prohibit the use of surrogacy as it violates moral and ethical principles. This state of affairs has led to significant demand of foreign citizens for these services in Ukraine, where surrogacy legal rule is authorized at the legislative level.

According to the World Center of Baby, surrogacy in Ukraine is considered one of the reproductive rights of the new generation. Read more up-to-date information on this below. Among all European countries, only the surrogacy legal rule is applicable in Ukraine. Let’s see why surrogacy is legal in Ukraine and what the specifications are to avail the facility.

What Is the Meaning Of Best Surrogacy In Ukraine?

What Is the Meaning Of Best Surrogacy In Ukraine?

In legal circles in Ukraine, the common term of surrogacy means fertilizing a genetically different-origin foreign woman (without application of her biological material). It is carried out by implantation or transplantation of the embryo using the genetic material of a married couple to bear and give birth. 

The child will be further recognized as originating from the spouses on the basis of the relevant agreement between the spouses and the surrogate mother. Thus, the Ukrainian law points to a mandatory genetic link between parents and children. This is why surrogacy legal rule is now in the functional stage in Ukraine as they fulfill all the legal terms between the children and the parents.

Surrogacy And Marital Status

Surrogacy And Marital Status

In Ukraine, the use of surrogacy services is allowed only for married regular male and female couples. Gay men, lesbians, etc., cannot use these services.

It seems that this was done in order to overcome the crisis of family values, the recognition of family values ​​at the highest state level. Marital relationships should create perfect stability in family relationships. Reproductive function is basic for the family.

Children are considered the ontological and axiological value equivalent. The natural human right is the right to procreation, the right to paternity, and motherhood. This principle is the only barrier to make surrogacy legal in Ukraine. This is the desire of any psychologically healthy person.

Basic Types Of Surrogacy In Ukraine

Basic Types Of Surrogacy In Ukraine

When the contract between the parent and the children is well revised, then the legal procedure carrying forwarding is never going to be big trouble. The difference between the two types of surrogacy in Ukraine clearly describes the different surrogacy procedures and relevant legal terms.

In Ukraine, there are two types of surrogacy legal rules

  1. Complete surrogacy is the implantation in another woman’s body of an embryo conceived by a husband and wife or a woman and a donor. This is called gestational surrogacy, in which a surrogate woman has no genetic link to a child;
  2. Another type is partial, or gender, surrogacy, in which a woman’s egg is used.

Features of the Surrogacy Agreement

The procedure and surrogacy legal rule is clearly regulated by an agreement between the parties to avoid childbearing complications. A contract defined by the current legislation is usually concluded for the emergence of civil rights and obligations. In the maximum countries of 

As civil rights conflict with the surrogacy procedure, the countries do not perform the process legally.

Cost of Surrogacy in Ukraine: How Much Does a Surrogate Mother Get Paid?

World Center of Baby indicates that gestational surrogacy in Ukraine can be paid or unpaid. In the case of using the best-paid services, the price is set in the amount of 30-70 thousand dollars. The expenses for accommodation, transport, food, and clothing are paid separately and are not included in the total cost of surrogate services.

World Center of Baby is rated as the best surrogacy agency in Ukraine. It helps clients with choosing a clinic and a surrogate mother. On the agency forum, you can find up-to-date information on the topic. Visit the World Center of Baby website and check everything that interests you right now!


Thousands of couples now believe in terms of legal surrogacy. In Ukraine, the legal terms are well constructed, and surrogacy legal terms are well revised. That is the reason no conflict and no human rights are overlooked. The more robust rules and legal terms are helping the children get their rights, and surrogate mothers will be more professional in their work. Surgery is becoming the alternative reproductive fertility treatment to give the desired result to the parents.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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