Viagra Sildenafil vs Generic Sildenafil: Are There Any Differences?

Health & Fitness by  Ariana Smith 20 August 2020 Last Updated Date: 25 August 2020

Viagra Sildenafil vs Generic Sildenafil

For years now, there has been an argument between branded or generic tablets and the differences that they have. Does one work better than the other or are they both equal in performance? The same question remains for the key differences between Viagra Sildenafil and Generic Sildenafil tablets. To help you understand the differences, we have compiled a list of some of these differences and whether they change from brand to generic.

Is There Any Difference In Chemicals?

The main question that is asked when it comes to Viagra and generic Sildenafil is the difference in the chemicals between the two tablets. The answer is simple. There is no difference in the chemical make up of the generic and branded Sildenafil tablets. This is crucial to remember as you could be saving yourself some money by opting for the generic version rather than the branded due to their being no different.

The Difference In Cost

Another difference between viagra sildenafil and generic sildenafil is the cost. The branded addition of the sildenafil tablet is often more expensive than the generic version of the tablet. This is important when purchasing them from an online retailer as there may only be the generic or branded edition of the tablets. Despite the cost being different, it is important to note that you will not have any more or any less of an effect when used, allowing you to make the decision based on the tablets that are available to you from your chosen retailer either online or at a pharmacy.

Consider The Different Dosage

In addition to the cost being different, there are also differences in the dosage. The dosage of sildenafil comes in 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg tablets for the branded viagra sildenafil. This may differ for the generic sildenafil; therefore, it is important to look into this when purchasing the tablets through an online pharmacy. You should purchase either generic or branded sildenafil with the dosage that you have been prescribed by your doctor to make sure that you have the medication that works for you. This will be based on your medical records to ensure that this is safe.

The Difference In Appearance 

Another key change in the generic and branded is the difference in appearance. With the branded ones are often known as this little blue pill, they can come in both blue and white in both an oval, round, or diamond shape. Depending on whether you purchase the generic or the branded, the shape of the tablet could differ. The overall shape of the sildenafil tablet, however, does not have any effect on the way that the tablet works or the dosage that you have. Therefore, it is still safe to take the tablets regardless of the shape or the color.

With this in mind, there are several small differences between the branded or the generic sildenafil tablets that are purely cosmetic and do not affect the effectiveness of the tablet.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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