5 Best Investments to Make in 2020

Finance by  Mashum Mollah 18 July 2018 Last Updated Date: 11 March 2020


When it comes to the investment ideas, it all depends on the funds you have available. Naturally, more reliable stocks and trends have a high entrance fee and yield minor profits (relatively to the size of investment), which means that it would take a while for the ROI to pay itself off. People with modest means, who represent the largest part of the market, are in a completely different spot, seeing as how A) they have limited options and B) probably can’t afford to commit their assets for years and years to come. So, here are top five investments tips for the latter in 2018.

1. Peer to peer lending :

If you know a person who’s starting a business, yet, lacks funds to do so, you might want to offer some of your hard earned money to them. There are so many people with entrepreneurial spirit out there who just lack the idea to start out on their own. Now, they can invest their funds in order to make someone else’s idea come true. This can be made possible even if you don’t personally know a person with an idea, seeing as how there are numerous platforms that specialize in this option. In that case, however, you have to be extra careful who you’re committing your money to.

2.Starting your own business :

People who have both time and money on their hand might even plan to launch an enterprise on their own. Keep in mind, however, that, while possible, this is not a thing that’s so easy to pull off as a side-project. The risks are great, yet, if you initiate this venture with your own funds, you will be free from interest rates, unruly partners and unrealistic requests made by other investors. All in all, this may even give you an opportunity to transition from your day-job to the position of an entrepreneur and make a fortune by being self-employed (being your own boss).

3.Real estate :

Since the last economic crisis, people are often reluctant to invest in real estate, yet, this idea brings numerous benefits to the table that are simply worth considering. First of all, they offer high liquidity and diversification of your portfolio, provided that you already have some of your investments elsewhere. Most importantly, everything takes place through agents, which means that there’s no need for you to do any heavy lifting. With the right property buying advisors and buyer’s agents like Curtis Associates, you even stand to minimize the overhead, thus boosting your ROI.

4.Day-trading on a forex market :

People without much time on their hands, as well as those with limited initial funds, may decide to start trading on a forex market and exploit features of forex leverage and margin in order to significantly boost their funds. Depending on the broker, this can allow you to command funds that are 10, 20, 50, 100 or even 200 times bigger than those you’ve invested. While the gains are greater, the losses are greater, as well. Nonetheless, you’re not really indebting yourself seeing as how you can’t lose more than you started with.

5.Investing in cryptocurrency :

Finally, more and more people decide to invest in cryptocurrencies in the hopes of getting rich overnight, even though this is not how these things work. First of all, people who know nothing about cryptocurrencies have no business investing in them, in the first place. Second, investing in ICOs, which is a popular trend, is extremely risky. It’s like betting on an underdog and the chances of winning are proportional to that notion. By approaching this trend as a business instead of looking at it as a get-rich-quickly-scheme, you stand to make a difference.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, there’s no such thing as a 100 percent safe investment. The safer the investment it is the lower the gain margin will be. This means that you’ll need more money to make virtually any profit. On the other hand, risking too much is never a wise choice. The answer lies between being able to walk the thin line between too risky and too safe.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com.

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