Foot Fungus: Types & Treatment

Health & Fitness by  Arnab Dey 27 April 2022 Last Updated Date: 05 February 2025

Foot Fungus

Are you suffering from foot fungus?

Are you simply tired of the superficial fungal infections of the foot?

You might not know that this type of infection can also affect the outer layer of the hair, skin, and nails as well. It is not just any ordinary infection and requires proper care and treatment.

Here, in this article, we will talk about foot fungus, its types, and the treatment. Knowing all these will help you take care of foot infections and get the necessary medical attention at the proper time. A podologo santo domingo will also be able to offer you the essential details.

First, start with the basic knowledge about what foot fungus is.

What Is Foot Fungus?

Foot fungus is nothing but a fungal infection of the foot. It is usually referred to as tinea pedis. There are some other names for this, and they are food ringworm and athlete’s foot. Generally, it is an infection on the foot’s skin.

Foot infection also includes infection of the foot nails that is called onychomycosis or also known as tinea unguium.

Types Of The Foot Fungus

Types Of The Foot Fungus

So, from the above discussion, we also get to know that foot fungus are of two types. They are;

  1. Tinea pedis, and
  2. Onychomycosis, or tinea unguium.

These two different types of foot fungus occur in two different areas of the foot.

1. Tinea Pedis

In between the toes of the foot, the tinea pedis normally starts. Between the fourth and fifth toe space, this particular condition is the most common. In order to describe any inflammation between the toes, a lot of people might address that as an athlete’s foot.

If not treated at the right time, this particular foot infection also can spread to the sides of the foot and the sole. It also can spread in the heel area as well. In some cases, tinea pedis also might occur in combination with a fungal infection of the hands, groin, nails, or both.

2. Onychomycosis

This type of foot fungus usually might include a single fingernail or toenail or multiple nails. In most cases, onychomycosis affects the little toenail and the big toenail.

Related Resource: Diabetes And Foot Problems: Symptoms, Treatments And More

Treatment Of Foot Fungus

Treatment Of Foot Fungus

So, now that you know the basics and also the types of foot fungus, it is time to have a look at the treatment options that are available for both types of infections.

1. Tinea Pedis

The basics of tinea pedis treatment are wearing the right footwear. You also need to make sure that you are washing and drying your feet on a regular basis.

The doctor or Podologo Santo Domingo usually prescribes a topical antifungal medication in order to treat tinea pedis more effectively. You need to apply the medication, which is unusually a cream, directly to the affected skin twice or once a day.

Usually, it takes around two to four weeks to work and show visible results. In case your infection is mild, you can get the result earlier.

At the same time, if any cream is not able to treat the infection, the Podologo Santo Domingo might also prescribe some oral antifungal medications. On the basis of the infection’s severity, the treatment duration will vary.

2. Onychomycosis

For Onychomycosis remedies, the best option is to wash the skin around the nail on a regular basis, along with keeping the feet clean and dry.

As per an older study, with mentholated ointments, onychomycosis can be treated as it showed a positive result in 83% of the participants. A number of people also state that tea tree oil actually helps in nail fungus.

The doctor might also ask you to use a topical antifungal cream in this case as well. Although antifungal pills always come with a higher cure rate than all those topical creams. The pills also work more quickly, and the patient only needs to take them for a few months.

In case the Onychomycosis infection is severe, the doctor might also advise you to remove the nail surgically or chemically. Do not worry your nail will again grow back in both of the treatment options.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a professional blogger who has an enormous interest in writing blogs and other zones of calligraphy. In terms of his professional commitments.

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