Maximizing Your Benefits – Tips For Navigating VA Disability Rates

Finance by  Abdul Aziz Mondal 03 November 2023

VA Disability

For those veterans who receive a service-connected disability rating, maximizing their benefits is critical. It takes patience, persistence, and a well-documented case. The VA claims procedure can be time-consuming and frustrating. However, you can get ahead of the curve and prepare for what lies ahead with a few key tips.

Review Your Schedule Of Ratings

Your VA disability rating is a percentage that indicates the severity of your service-connected conditions and directly impacts the compensation you receive. It ranges from 0% to 100% in 10% increments, and higher ratings indicate greater impairment. Your rating is determined by reviewing the medical evidence in your claim file.

The VA’s Schedule for Rating Disabilities has hundreds of diagnostic codes corresponding to specific symptoms and impairment levels. The percentages that those codes generate are based on the criteria established in the Schedule for Rating Disabilities, and it’s common to have multiple disabilities that are rated based on that same schedule.

However, your cumulative rating is determined by the VA’s process for combining ratings – not simply adding up each percentage. Therefore, it’s important to understand how this rating is calculated when seeking a disability increase. For the best results, you’ll want to work with an attorney who has experience with this process and understands the intricacies of the calculation. Learn more about how an attorney can assist you with the process.

Stay Informed

The process of applying for and receiving disability benefits can be stressful. Having all the information you need to decide your claim is key. Make sure your contact information is current, and inform the VA if anything significant changes in your life.

Inaccurate disability ratings are a common problem among veterans. Sometimes, the ratings don’t reflect a veteran’s true level of disability; other times, the VA assigns a rating that is too low or high. A VA-accredited attorney can help you determine whether you have evidence to request a higher rating and how to present it. They also know the appeals process and can ensure your claims reach the correct decision-makers quickly so you can receive any back compensation owed. You served our country, and this country owes you. Obtaining the disability benefits you deserve should not be stressful.

Review Your Employee Benefits

When evaluating employment offers, people often focus on base salary and company equity, but an employee’s compensation package goes much further than their paycheck. Whether in the form of health insurance, tax-advantaged retirement savings options or wellness perks, employee benefits are an important part of total compensation.

They can assist you in reaching your financial objectives. Becoming familiar with employer-provided benefits and how they work before accepting a job offer is a good idea. If you’re unsure of what your employer offers, consider asking for a list of available perks or taking advantage of open enrollment periods to reevaluate your options. It’s also a good idea to keep up with new benefit trends.

For example, pet insurance and student loan repayment programs are becoming increasingly popular and can provide valuable coverage for your family’s needs. By analyzing participation rates, costs, claims and enrollment choices, you can spot areas where your employee benefits could improve their value or effectiveness.

Review Your Medical Records

Ultimately, obtaining a higher disability rating is about providing medical evidence of deterioration or new disability development. For example, you may have a condition in your Service Treatment Records diagnosed while on active duty that has since worsened. You can file a claim with the VA to increase your rating for this condition by submitting an appropriate nexus letter. When you submit a supplemental claim, providing all existing medical records, including treatment at VA Medical Centers and private facilities, is important. You should also include a nexus letter from a healthcare professional treating your condition.

This nexus letter will detail your current symptoms, their intensity, and their impact on your everyday life. The more detail you can provide to the VA about your disability, the more likely they will agree that it is debilitating. Moreover, the medical evidence in your claims file is all the more powerful when the evidence shows deterioration or development of additional disabilities that are secondary to your granted conditions.

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Abdul Aziz Mondal

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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