We are happy to share our vision of how great ideas should work based on these perfect startup examples. In this post, we’re not going to tell you about food delivery app development, but get you familiar with the one-dimensional keyboard, a platform that helps you decide what product to buy based on crowd-sourced information, an online Facebook stores builder, a source of articles that fit schoolchildren’s reading skills, box storage for your belongings, a platform for recommendations from people you trust and a social website for Bucket list creators!
On-Demand Startup: Best Examples
i). OpenLabel
Received $180k in Seed funding

What matters most in your choice of the things you buy? There can be different reasons why you buy this and not that but the relevant information about the product may not always be on the pack. If there is some difficulty in finding the source you can fully rely on, why don’t you see what others think about the item you put an eye on? OpenLabel is a startup that cares about the product transparency allowing customers to scan the barcode and crowdsource the information attaching your own label onto the barcode of the product. Apart from adding the label “I’d buy” or “I’d avoid” you can also write comments and vote for them, as well as follow others on the platform. The founders are sure OpenLabel will naturally attract the interest in the brands and that’s where the profit will come from.
ii). Easy Social Shop
Received $1.1M in Seed funding
If you have an e-commerce business you probably know the best way to sell is to put the products closer to the crowd. Easy Social Shop lets online store owners integrate e-commerce businesses with their Facebook pages without any specific technical knowledge and a need to upload new items. All the updates and transactions are performed via the original selling platform. Easy Social Shop provides access to analytics helping the owners of the stores to know more about their audience and increase sales. It simplifies social media marketing for its users optimizing engagement and providing organic sharing not only through Facebook, but also on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. This social store is free to use unless you want to add advanced features with a premium subscription.
iii). Newsela
Received $1.2M in Seed funding
Great news for educators and learners! A combination of news, reading comprehension exercises and quizzes is what schoolchildren oriented website Newsela offers as a relevant classroom activity. The algorithm they use to define each student’s reading level provides a personalized approach in working with articles of different complexity with a possibility to read a more challenging version. Newsela can also be a great tool for those learning English. It is very easy to use as all the articles are grouped into categories and accompanied by a Common Core-aligned quiz, providing teachers with immediate feedback. There is a dashboard of analytics which allows teachers to track students’ progress and apply recommended actions to improve students’ reading comprehension.
iv). byUs
Received $1.5M in Angel funding
Recommendations from people you trust can be accessed not only while having a cup of tea in your kitchen but also through a website byUs. This is an invite-only platform that is meant to be a source of relevant recommendations for medical professionals, general contractors and childcare. byUs cares about the privacy protection of individual users letting them choose those, they want to share their recommendations with. Also, the algorithm to connect people to the recommendations of their friends or a wider network beyond that, lets a user see only what he might be looking for, excluding the information from people having no experience with the service you need or living in the different area. The startup is planning to monetize by partnering with service providers who aim at marketing their services through word-of-mouth referrals.
v). Whirlscape
Received $500k in Seed funding
Could you ever imagine that a keyboard with all the letters of the alphabet may be one dimensional? Minuum is a software keyboard produced by Whirlscape that frees up space on your screen allowing you to type really fast and sloppy. The one-line keyboard has a specialized auto-correction algorithm, which brings accuracy into your texting and makes it better the longer you use Minuum. Interest to wearables with small screens like smartwatches or no screens at all is growing and Minuum integration can become an alternative text input method with big potential. In fact, you can use this keyboard without any surface simply by measuring the orientation of hand gestures in the air.
vi). WeStore
Where would you store your belongings in case you are in the period of moving out, want someone to rent your apartment while you are on the traveling mode or simply don’t have enough storage space? WeStore is a startup that supplies you with free boxes to put your things in, picks them up whenever it is convenient for you and provides safe storage for as long as you need. With WeStore you don’t need to pay for the excess space, arrange a truck and carry heavy stuff around – something you have to do is rent a storage facility. The customers manage the whole process online and pay only for the space they use. The longer you store your things at WeStore the less you pay for the service.
vii). Offline Media
Received $60k in Seed funding
Have you ever thought about creating a bucket list? Offline Media challenges people to live more interesting and memorable lives. The moments you experience, the offline activities you have always dreamed of trying out and finally got down to, all that makes you feel you are living the life, not wasting your time can be shared. The offline platform allows you to put all those memories into the experience box and let your friends know more about your impressions while getting infected with a dose of adventure and challenge. You can mark the experience with a label “I’ve done this”, bookmark it and read more information about it so as to be sure you want to include this in the to-do-before-you-die list of things.
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