10 Design Improvements You Should Do On Your Website Just Now

Dev & Design by  Mashum Mollah 20 January 2021

Design Improvements

While there are uncountable reasons to update and redesign your website, there is only one that really matters – generating more leads.

Think about it. No matter what kind of brand, organization, or publication you are running, your website’s primary purpose is to act as a real estate where a prospect can run through everything you offer and then choose to engage with you.

Almost 38% of users may bounce off your site if it doesn’t look appealing enough. That’s a significant chunk of your prospective buyers gone without even knowing what you do, in summary, not an ideal situation at all.

So, what do you do? Undertaking a complete redesign can be expensive and time-consuming, to say the least. Hence, the best way ahead is to take iterative steps towards an overhaul. Whether you hire an agency like MintTwist or decide to do it on your own, choose your battles carefully.

Just in case you are wondering where to start, here are 10 design improvements that need to be made right away.

10 Design Improvements You Should Do On Your Website Just Now:

1. Make Navigation a Breeze

Simplicity is your best friend with navigation. Users look for some kind of familiarity when it comes to searching around a site. Make sure your category, About Us, contact information, and blog pages are right in front of the visitor for easy access. Your sitemap and menu hierarchy should be in line with your user’s expectations, as well. Comprehendible content without any unnecessary jargon helps the visitor know what’s on offer instantaneously.

2. Amp Up That CTA

A call-to-action is a button or link where you tell the user exactly what they need to do next. It reinstates what may seem obvious and helps convert your prospect into a lead. Given that it is the bridge between having a visitor and gaining a client, your CTA should be explicitly visible and easy to understand. Using a contrasting color and bold font makes it stand out and helps the user with some direction. Additionally, make sure that your CTA text is relevant to the page at hand. For example, someone researching web redesign should be guided towards more information before getting a sale suggestion.

3. Don’t Cheapen the Photos and Graphics

There is nothing worse than finding unappealing and pixelated photos on a website. It not only projects unprofessionalism but also makes the user question your authenticity. Choosing and taking high-quality graphics that align with your brand image goes a long way in defining authority and encouraging association. This also extends to the use of stock photography. If a user finds generic content on your website, they may think of you as non-unique and uninteresting. The alternative here is to use real-life photography that allows users to connect with the topic at the base level. You don’t need to be fancy, a simple team photograph or a picture from your operations works too.

4. Increase the Whitespace

Whitespace is how you choose to establish the relationship between your elements. Distantly placed content with ample whitespace in between helps perceive a break between different categories. On the other hand, parts set closer to one another may be seen in unison. Think of whitespace as the directional guide that allows the visitor to move from one part to the other in a seamless motion. Using whitespace effectively, you can lead the buyer’s journey from your landing page to the value proposition, finally reaching that good ol’ CTA button.

5. Make it Mobile Friendly

Over 61% of phone users are likely to connect with a local business if they have a mobile-friendly website. In the current times, having a website that takes care of cross-device compatibility is as imperative as having a website itself. Given how website responsiveness is now a part of the SEO trends and a ranking factor for Google, it makes this not a luxury but, a necessity.  Plus, web design is all about creating a pleasant experience for the user, and we don’t remember the last time someone loved the pinch and zoom feature.

6. Let it Load, Not Lag

Since you only have a few moments to capture your audience, any time wasted in loading the page can be construed as revenue loss. No matter what section of the website the visitor is on, they always expect fast loading. You can optimize your page speeds by compressing large images, using a minimalistic layout, holding back on unnecessary plugins and prioritizing content loading. The use of a content delivery network works wonders as well.

7. Select A Colour and Stick to It

Consistency is one of the most underrated success parameters. Coincidentally, the same applies to web design too. Selecting a brand color palette and using it across the site helps the users associate a pattern with your organization. You can always experiment with the saturation to give it a differential look on various pages. Additionally, compare the hues in light of color theory and understand how your audience shall emote in reaction to each change.

8. Get with the Trends

No one likes a dinosaur in real life. If you’re still sticking to an age-old format with no updates then, there is a good chance that your audience might migrate to your modern competition. Users expect to see something new across the board that intrigues and engages them. Retro fonts, parallax scroll animations, 3D visuals, and augmented reality are some of the game-changers that have come up in the past year. You can choose to implement it all but, be careful not to overload the site and keep it user-oriented at all times.

9. Fix the 404s

404 pages are next in line to slow loading when it comes to user dissatisfaction. As it happens, with all redirects, a visitor intends to reach some kind of solution. If a path is broken midway, they may consider your website incomplete, leading to a heavy bounce rate. Google Search Console allows you to root out such errors and provide a robust experience to your readers. Nevertheless, if any 404 still persists, make sure that they are aesthetically designed and help the user with the next step towards resuming their journey.

10. Leverage Social Media

It is a digital work out there. Even the most physical aspects of your business need to be validated and uploaded on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. After all, why would you speak to only a few when you can speak to them all simultaneously? Hence, adding social media share buttons amplifies your reach and aids in quick recognition. The metrics you accumulate with the content that is shared can further help in creating audience-relevant information.


There are hundreds of different permutations and combinations that can be applied when thinking of a website redesign. The possibilities are literally endless. So, it is relatively simple to be overwhelmed. With the improvements mentioned above, you can build a starting point for your web design and update it with the current requirements in no time.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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