5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Coconut Oil for Hair Care 

Health & Fitness by  Harsha Sharma 17 June 2020 Last Updated Date: 23 October 2024

Reasons Why You Should Consider Coconut Oil For Hair Care 

Coconut oil for hair issues has been around for centuries as a remedy. It is a one-stop solution for dry hair dandruff and scalp infections. It moisturizes and conditions hair and improves the health of the scalp and cuticles. 

Coconut oil has anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and emollient properties, along with penetrative properties. Apart from that, it is especially important for you to take care of any allergies that you could have. It is rare, but it exists. 

Get yourself tested and while you wait for the results, check out the different ways coconut oil can be a boon for your hair!  

How is Coconut Oil for Hair So Beneficial?

How Is Coconut Oil For Hair So Beneficial_

Thanks to the oil’s ability to tackle and prevent almost all hair problems, it is considered the best remedy for hair loss. Some of the reasons why you are losing hair are:

  1. Nutritional deficiencies – Vitamin A, D, E, B-7, and iron are some minerals and vitamins your hair needs to be healthy. If your hair is receiving less or more, hair thinning and eventually, hair loss is the result.
  • Fungal infection of the scalp – Infections like folliculitis, ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis, piedra, and Demodexfolliculorum, are conditions that irritate the scalp and cause inflammation. Eventually, it leads to hair loss.
  • Hair treatments – Chemical treatment changes the structure of hair and leaves hair damaged with issues, such as greying, frizzy, weak hair, dandruff, and hair loss.
  • Hair color – Chemicals altering the color of hair lead to hair loss.
  • Other reasons – Physical or mental stress, heredity, hormonal imbalance, overuse of medication, and heredity are some of the different reasons that cause hair loss. For these reasons, coconut oil might not be able to help you completely prevent hair loss but manages to maintain the health of your hair and slow down the process of hair fall.

If you are a hair loss sufferer and tired of trying out different treatments to no avail, maybe it’s time to pay heed to what your grandmother said and use coconut oil.

There is more than one crucial reason as to why you should immediately include coconut oil as a part of your hair loss treatment. Also, for starters, you really need to know how to determine hair porosity.

5 Ways in which coconut oil for hair is the best!

5 Ways in which coconut oil for hair is the best!

From making a mask to using it as a conditioning agent. Here’s a list of reasons why coconut oil for hair is the best natural solution to all your hair woes. Check them out: 

1. Helpful In Preventing hygral fatigue:

Hygral fatigue is the hair shaft swelling when the cuticles have absorbed a lot of water. This dries the cuticles and causes frizz. It may happen because of humidity or when you shampoo your hair excessively. This is damage to your hair follicles when there has been repeated swelling and un-swelling. 

As you can guess, dry and frizzy hair becomes brittle and starts breaking, which causes hair to fall. Coconut oil keeps out the excess moisture by sealing the required moisture in the hair shaft. 

2. Prevents Fungal, Bacterial, And Viral infections:

Coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties, which makes it the ideal solution to prevent scalp infections. By keeping your scalp healthy, you can grow your hair better. Recently, a lab study found that one of the benefits of coconut oil is getting rid of fungal infections.

3. Prevents Loss of Protein in Hair:

Coconut oil can penetrate deep into the hair shaft and keep the protein locked in. This oil is a triglyceride of lauric acid, so the protein affinity is high. This is why when coconut oil is applied topically, it helps prevent hair loss. Also, you can increase the protein intake in your diet.

4. Helps in Strengthening Roots:

In coconut oil, lauric acid is present and this has anti-bacterial properties. This is what makes this oil perfect for maintaining the health of your scalp. By keeping bacteria at bay, it keeps hair and scalp healthy. When the roots are strong, you can expect your hair to grow shiny and luxurious.

5. Treats Split Ends:

In 2015, a review noted that coconut oil can absorb hair strands much better than mineral and other kinds of oil. So, if you regularly use coconut oil, you will need fewer trims, making it seem that your hair is growing faster and longer.

If you are experiencing hair loss, split ends and regular trimming will only add to your problems. But coconut oil can help prevent all of that. 

When your hair is not suffering from any kind of damage or infection, the chances are that you will not experience hair fall unless you have some medical conditions like diabetes and hormonal imbalance.

If you need more proof, a study conducted in 2012 used radioactively labeled coconut oil to measure if coconut oil is genuinely penetrative and how deep it goes on the hair shaft.

The highlighted part of the above chart shows the results for one and six-hour measurements. It shows that after one hour, a single strand of hair can absorb 15% of its weight; after 6 hours, the absorption increases to 20.4% or more.

These results are promising. This means coconut oil has penetrative abilities and can help prevent hair damage.

How Can You Use Coconut Oil for Hair Loss?

How can you use coconut oil for hair loss_

You can use coconut oil as a hair mask or leave-in treatment, which will help seal and moisturize hair. You can also use it as a part of your hot oil treatment, along with almond or jasmine oil. Many people use coconut oil before shampooing and keep it for an hour or so. Some people use it overnight.

So, you can use this oil any way you choose, but make sure not to comb your hair when wet and not to dry it harshly utilizing a towel.

Hopefully, now you will have one less (hair) problem to worry about!


That’s all about the benefits of coconut oil for hair. This preceding list is non-exhaustive and has so many more elements to it! Drop in a request if you want the complete list of ways coconut oil can be great for your hair! 

If you do not have allergies to the components of coconut oil, try using it in your haircare routine. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family.

Until my next blog!

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Harsha Sharma

Harsha is a seasoned writer and a huge advocate of self-care. Having completed years in the corporate sector, she’s on a quest to share her experience with the world. Whether it’s about The Daily Grind or the act of putting Mind over Matter, she’s free to share her ultimate recipe to nail the 9 to 5 life (and the life beyond.) While free from nailing her writing deadlines, she often finds herself following REAL trends, current affairs, facts, trivia, and entertainment. And when it comes to a life beyond 9 to 5, she can guide you on what to read, binge, and hype for!

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