Fitting SMS Messaging into Your Marketing Sales Funnel

Marketing by  Mashum Mollah 24 March 2021 Last Updated Date: 03 February 2025

SMS Messaging into Your Marketing Sales Funnel

How To Optimize Your Sales Funnel With SMS:

One of the easiest ways to increase your sales is via a marketing funnel. Study each step carefully.

In this way, you can understand how to expand your customer base, increase the loyalty of potential buyers and motivate them to take targeted actions. Creating a marketing funnel with an effective SMS messaging strategy is quite easy.

Communication with users is carried out at all stages of this method. You need to try to choose a way to increase interest in your company. Write a simple message that your consumers will understand. Focus on their age, social status, and other factors.

If you wish to automate your bulk emailing, you can integrate an SMPP gateway API to schedule the sending of SMS notifications, expand your customer base, and maximize sales results.

Stages Of An SMS Message Funnel:

The first step in your marketing funnel is opening your text message. At this point, your target audience will get acquainted with your proposal.

Almost 90% of customers start interacting with the company after receiving the first message of the newsletter. To continue working with the site, including a link to further explore your products on the pages of your online store in your SMS.

Your site must have up-to-date information. Having a price list and other important data will help you attract new subscribers and increase loyalty to your brand. Each customer must provide you with personal information and allow you to send notifications.

The second step of your sales funnel is content review. Users will be at this stage at the moment when they are subscribing to your updates. You will be able to offer participation in a loyalty program, discounts, or bonuses.

By building a customer base, you will be able to segment your audience and send specific notifications to each group. For this purpose, use the following methods:

  • send messages linked to geolocation;
  • send welcome notifications;
  • automate your mailing.

The final stage of SMS marketing is purchasing your products and using your services. With the right marketing strategy, even customers who have stopped visiting your site long ago will come back and make a new purchase.

Make sure your users are happy with the service they are offered.

Funnel metrics you should know:

Funnel metrics

Statistics allow you to determine the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. With its help, you can find out:

  • the level of involvement of each client;
  • conversion rate;
  • the time it will take to complete each stage.

You can create a mass mailing using the site, and you can choose various tools to determine the required metrics. They help you track your funnel and get the most out of your emails.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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