What Is The Best Time To Post On Linkedin?

Social Media by  sagnika sinha 12 August 2023 Last Updated Date: 27 November 2023

best time to post on linkedin

Want to reach more audiences and increase engagement on LinkedIn? Read about the best time to post on LinkedIn so that you can effectively utilize artificial intelligence as a powerful tool in LinkedIn to post tailored and precise posts. I will be listing down the factors that influence your posts!

As a working professional or business person, LinkedIn is a social networking platform that will benefit you both professionally and personally. You learn many skills that are more than necessary for individual growth, such as communication and soft skills.

Professionally, you can work on your job roles, freelancing opportunities and full-time recruitments invitations! You will get more employment opportunities on LinkedIn. It is due to different reasons, such as marketing, promotions, advertising, interactions, and connectivity, that people post on LinkedIn.

Recruiters can see your professional goals, growth, and application of skills through posts on the social networking platform. They are also a part of your profile so that recruiters can check them out. Read the article to learn about the best time to post on LinkedIn to gather extensive engagement.

What Is The Best Time To Post On Linkedin?

What Is The Best Time To Post On LinkedIn_

LinkedIn audiences are more engaging, if you post on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the first half of the day. The timing is around 10 am to 12 noon. This is a study by Sprout Social, which says that the LinkedIn audience is engaging on the specific days. So these are the best times to post on LinkedIn.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when posting on LinkedIn is the guidelines of the social networking site. Considering it has a collection of business owners, entrepreneurs, employees, and management, the posts should be respectful.

The quality of the posted content also matters, considering everyone on the networking site is looking for more exposure and interaction concerning professional opportunities. Posting content that is not relatable or wastes time is a complete no-no!

The day or time of the week matters when you post on LinkedIn, considering it is essential to have the highest level of engagement on the platform. Some surveys inform that people engage on LinkedIn during weekends because they are more clear on their goals.

However, there needs to be more clarity on this because, for some people, the weekdays when people are going to work is when they use LinkedIn with no engagement during the weekends.



Currently a thriving place for entrepreneurs and leaders, LinkedIn is a milling destination for executives, experts, job seekers, business people, and mentors. A wide range of employment categorizations is available for all users of LinkedIn.

Currently, the social networking platform has 772 million users! The platform support professional engagement across all mediums, be it employees or employers! LinkedIn has created some of the coolest features for users, especially in the past few years.

Let’s discuss the features that help the users understand the changing trends, how the business sector works, how to do marketing and promotional interactions, and create positive communication. So, if you are questioning, when is the best time to post on LinkedIn? Keep reading.

Features Of LinkedIn

Features Of LinkedIn

The features of LinkedIn, if used right, will ensure that the visibility of your profile is increased. It is also important to state that the credibility of your employment qualifications and performance are enhanced with these features.

  • Use the option of Skills and Endorsement to gain more exposure to recruiters and candidate searches.
  • Please read and follow brands and companies by Following them that are relevant to your job roles so that you learn more about the trends.
  • When doing searches, you must save them, ensuring that any new update will reach you, leading to more access to information.

What Is The Best Time To Post On LinkedIn?

According to the survey that HubSpot pulled across the United States on social media marketers regarding the best time to post on LinkedIn, the best days to post on LinkedIn are on weekends and Wednesdays.

The survey was performed on 300 marketers who informed that the best time during the three identified days, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, is between 12 noon to 9 pm, the second half of the day.

When posting on LinkedIn, there are certain conditions and considerations that you must make because it is a niche professional platform for both business and employment opportunities. Consider the time of the day when any professional or business individual would have a break.

When determining the type of things you must post on LinkedIn, it is important to consider the content they expect or will find relevant or relatable.

Strategies For Posting On LinkedIn

Strategies For Posting On LinkedIn

There has been a significant revolution in all industries due to the pandemic, where the type of work, shifts, timeline, opportunities, and employment requirements have changed. Establish strategies that will help you receive more engagement on your LinkedIn posts.

The Pandemic Reshuffle

After the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been diversification in the professional mindset of people, making it more flexible and variable. A significant reversal in the pace has been observed in the workspace.

Many brands and organizations are becoming more flexible by allowing remote workplace opportunities. Flexible timings are approved, along with supporting employees concerning personal emergencies based on the quality of work. So, LinkedIn posting trends has also changed!

With the integration of “work from home” mode, working has become ridden with more variables bringing a change in the workplace and creativity. Even weekends are considered workable as people seek more freelancing opportunities on LinkedIn.

Gen Z Is Predominant

LinkedIn has become more popular among GenZ, especially when that demographic has integrated with the social networking site since 2016. GenZ is LinkedIn’s largest set of customers, with $143 billion in direct spending.

Their motivation and ambitions are quite significant compared to their predecessors. LinkedIn has been boosted, leading to more networking among industries and careers.

LinkedIn can provide the professional development that GenZ is looking for because it provides more than just employment opportunities. The social networking site is also contributing to learning experiences that are personalized.

A generation primarily on their mobile phones will be more interactive and engaged toward their career goals. The features of LinkedIn are the perfect tools for them to have direct professional development with a more independent approach.

Audience Matters

The content posted on the social networking site must be well-established to engage the target audience. It is above traditional standards; instead, it should focus on accuracy and unique selling point.

Recently, professional responsibilities are not just about effective employability but also personal career development, skills integration, and efficient job responsibilities.


Isn’t this something amazing that you not only get to know the best time to post on LinkedIn to get the maximum exposure and learn about posting strategies?

As a digital generation, we must make the Internet an integral part of our professional development. LinkedIn is the symbolization of just that. If you’re a LinkedIn user, you should take advantage of the situation and create an engaging and interactive profile using different available tools.

Comment below to let us know about the opportunities you have received from LinkedIn and what you have gained from them!

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sagnika sinha

Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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