7 Ways That Meditation Helps You Stay Calm In Stressful Situations

Health & Fitness by  Mashum Mollah 31 March 2021 Last Updated Date: 03 February 2025

Meditation Helps You Stay Calm

In the last few years, the discussion on meditation to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression is gaining ground. With personal and professional stresses being held responsible for triggering severe health issues, meditation has emerged as a key strategy to tackle the same.

The human brain contains a lot of mysteries and hidden secrets of health and wellness. It is the nerve center that communicates and controls all the vital organs of our body. Being thinking animals, humans get affected severely when it comes to brain functions.

For example, the loss of a loved one, failure in professional or personal lives, and other emotional stresses can trigger health issues. From diabetes to heart blockages, doctors and experts have always pointed out how it all originates in the mind.

In this article, we look at seven major ways meditation helps you stay calm in stressful situations. Let us first briefly look at what meditation means and why it has gained such a massive fan following in recent years.

Meditation: Meaning and Definition

Our mind is cluttered with thoughts, feelings, emotions, challenges, and pressures. Meditation requires one to sit in a relaxed position and clear one’s mind of all feelings. You can say that it is an attempt to clean the slate of the brain.

What happens when a simple thought comes into your mind? Every human being tends to follow that chain of thought and gets himself or herself into a negative immersive experience. By releasing sounds like ‘ooooooommmmm’, which is kind of like an ancient Hindu ‘OM’, the mind relaxes and clears the clutter.

Experts suggest that starting the day with at least a 20 minutes session can help not only reduce stresses but also improve productivity. While longer one-hour sessions can have more benefits, given how much of a premium time is in our everyday loves, 20 minutes will do the work.

With the COVID-19 Pandemic contributing to internal stresses, many of the leading organizations have started offering live online meditation sessions. You can enjoy them from the safety and comfort of your homes.

List of 7 Ways Meditation Helps You Stay Calm in Stressful Situations:

1. Helps in Preventing Negative Thoughts to Emerge-

One small emergence of negative thoughts in your head tends to breed more negative thoughts. This is why experts suggest that when it comes to negative thoughts, identifying the patterns is important. This leads to the build-up of anxiety and stress. Meditation, since it channels oxygen to the brain, helps in preventing negative thoughts. It rather improves positive thoughts.

2. Helps in Fostering Better Health Conditions-

You need to know that meditation is in essence a breathing exercise. The flow of oxygen to your brain helps in the same getting supplied to all major internal organs of the body. This allows for better blood flow and nerve system communication. What this results in is better health of the internal organs and prevents major diseases and infections.

3. Meditation has the Same effects as Antidepressants-

Anyone who is undergoing treatment for mental health conditions will say how their doctors prescribe antidepressants for anxiety and depression. Medical studies and clinical trials have shown that meditation has the same effect as antidepressants on the human mind. This means that through meditation you will be able to counter many mental health issues.

4. Helps in Improving Focus, Concentration, and Span of Attention-

We mentioned how the leading business professionals of our times swear by the positive effects of meditation. While it does help release the clutter of the brain, it also improves work focus, concentration periods, and attention spans. This allows one to be more productive in their professional life. Meditation helps in career advancement and boosts success.

5. Gives a Better Chance in Fighting Addictions-

Many people who are into smoking or drugs tend to not get a grip on them simply because they are unable to control their minds. Most rehab centers over the world have a specific session assigned for meditation. This allows recovering addicts to have power over their brain and control the same to overcome addiction. This has been proven to be a successful strategy.

6. It is great for Younger Kids who are in Schools and Colleges-

We tend to somehow ignore that kids do not suffer from stresses, anxieties, and mental health concerns. How tough can schools seem to trivialize their issues? Experts recommend that kids should also be taught to start meditating at a younger age. This will help them develop the necessary life skills to combat present and future mental health challenges and stresses.

7. Helps build Confidence and Benefits Social Introverts-

Anyone who is an introvert will relate to the fact as to how social situations is not something that looks forward to. Most experts tend to think that meditation can help in relieving social anxiety and stress. It also helps them build confidence. This allows them to perform well in personal and professional circles. It also helps them build their personality at multiple levels.

The Bottom Line:

The last few years have seen everyone from professional sportsmen to entrepreneurs take to meditation as a fish takes to water. They are doing this as they have been able to see a marked difference in their lives. Meditation can be anything that helps your mind relax and control your negative thoughts.

Cooking food or gardening can have meditative and therapeutic properties for your brain. Anytime you can stop the chain of thought and allow your brain to be completely blank is a state of meditation.

All of us try to do so many things like altering our diet plans, investing in gym memberships, and what not to help us become a better version of ourselves. While we do everything modern, we tend to lose track of ancient and time-tested simple remedies that can go a long way in improving our condition of life.

If you have any questions related to meditation or would want certain clarifications, let us know in the comments below. We will request our experts to answer as many of them as possible.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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