Batteries of the Future

Energy by  Mashum Mollah 12 May 2017 Last Updated Date: 29 November 2024


The Charge in Minutes, Lasts for Months, and Power Over Air

Things like smartphones, smart wearables, and even smartphones are becoming increasingly more advanced. Regardless of how sophisticated they become, they are all limited by one thing … power.

The world’s biggest technology companies, along with car companies that manufacture electric taxis are well aware of the lithium-ion battery’s limitations. While operating systems and chips are indeed more efficient than their predecessors, we’re still only looking at a day or two of use before you need to recharge your smartphone.

Things however are beginning to change. As of late, both tech companies and car manufacturers are pumping big money into the battery development field. Here are a few of the batteries that could be with us soon.

Lithium-air breathing batteries

Rather than a material, Lithium-air makes use of air as the oxidizer. The result is a battery that can be 1/5 of both the weight and cost of lithium-ion. In addition, they could very well make phones and cars last much longer. Folks in the know say five times longer.

Gold Nanowire Batteries

It may be hard to fathom but, nanowire is one thousand times thinner than a single human hair. In the past, they very often broke down while recharging. This new discovery uses gel electrolyte to hold the gold nanowires to prevent this. There are documented tests that show recharging of these batteries over 200,000 times in a three-month period with no degradation evident at all.

Solid State Lithium-ion Batteries

Traditionally, solid state batteries (which use sulfide superionic conductors) have offered stability however, at the cost of their electrolyte transmission capabilities.

This battery is able to operate at supercapacitor levels and can be recharged completely in a mere 7 minutes, thus making it ideal for cars. Because it’s solid state, it’s safer and far more stable than batteries in present-day use. A key advantage of this battery is that it is able to work efficiently at extremely low temperatures as low as 30C.

Graphene Batteries

These batteries are without a doubt the future. There is a company Graphenano, that has developed one and it’s called the Grabat. They say that their battery can be charged in just a few minutes, and discharge a full 33 times faster than its lithium-ion cousin. Discharge is critical for things like taxis, which require a vast amount of power in order to pull away from stationary smoothly and effortlessly. The company estimates that a taxi using their battery could have a driving range of up to 500 miles.

The Foldable Battery

A battery has been developed that has the ability to make bendable gadgets a reality and it’s called the Jenex J. Flex. It not only can be sewed into clothes, it’s waterproof as well. Just imagine a battery that can be built into the strap of a smartwatch.

While you’re imagining things, try this one, foldable tablet that you would be able to stick in your pocket. When you desire a big screen, you simply unfold the tablet. This battery has already been created and is presently undergoing safety testing. Certified tests have shown that this battery can be folded in excess of 200,000 times without losing its performance. (there’s that number again)

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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