How to Get Fair Skin for Men Naturally At Your Home [2021 Updated]

Beauty by  Mashum Mollah 19 August 2021 Last Updated Date: 08 February 2022

how to get fair skin for men

Are you wondering whether men also desire to have fair skin? The answer is yes. The idea of having fair skin is not a preserve for women alone. Both men and women need to have proper skincare if they would like to get fair skin. Currently, men are paying a lot of attention to their complexion and appearance together with their dressing style. The internet is full of people who are looking for information on how to get fair skin for men naturally. If this is your desire, this article will help you to achieve your objective with a high level of precision. You will gain great insights on how to get fair skin for men.

Some of the things that make men get darker skin include the freckles and scars that add to their hyperpigmentation, high level of exposure to the sun, and age spots among others. The skin will become darker with the accumulation of a natural skin pigment in your skin that is known as melanin. Men can use several approaches to get fair skin. Because we have different skin types, you have to try different alternatives and get one that will work best for you. The market has a long list of products that play a critical role in achieving fair skin. Let us look at some of them so that you can get an answer to your question.

How to Get Fair Skin for Men?

Fair Skin

In this section, we are going to look at some of the top tips on how to get fair skin for men. These are practical examples that help men to get fair skin within a short period. You can choose one depending on the availability of the skincare products in your region. Your choice may also depend on how your body is responding to the treatment.

Tips to Get Fair Skin Naturally for Men:

1. Lemon juice:


One of the best natural skin care products is lemon juice. Most beauty experts recommend it because it has no chemical additives. Therefore, you don’t expect any reaction to your body by using lemon juice.


  • 1 lemon and a Cotton ball.    

How to Use?

  • All you will need to do is use a cotton ball to smear lemon juice on the area you wish to make the skin light daily. One of the top features of lemon is that has natural lighters. You can also apply lemon juice on the face mask to get rid of oily skin and diminish acne to a great extent for men.
  • You can also drink lemon water to get fair skin fast. The big advantage of using lemon juice is that it can decrease dead skin cells and is effective to get rid of dark spots on the face.

2. Tomato juice:


The other natural ingredient that is highly effective in giving you fair skin is tomato juice. Using tomato juice to clean your face will help you to develop the tone of your skin and create a fair one. Hence, this is the best skin care tip that you can consider right now.


  • 1 tomato and an oatmeal

How to Use?

  • Some people prefer to mix some oatmeal with a little tomato juice to create a facial scrub that helps in revitalizing your face. You can take a few minutes and then wash it off. You will discover that the mixture holds your answers if you would like to learn about how to get fair skin for men.

3. Papaya:


Papaya is one of the top ingredients in the whitening of the skin. It reduces dark circles, removes tan from face, reduces wrinkles for men, etc. Papaya is also very effective in reducing dark pigmentation. Papayas are a strong source of nutrients that can add to the appearance and health of your hair and skin.


  • Papaya

How to Use?

  • The other tip is to use papaya, papaya extract, and a chemical peel in preparing a skin peel. Squash a papaya and then smear it to the region you would like to fade. Allow it to settle on your skin for around ten to twenty minutes.
  • The papaya is highly effective when it comes to lightening up the skin. These chemical peels are so expensive but they work quite well among most people. After the skin peels off, the new one will display extra smooth skin.

4. Potato:


The other product that has a lightening effect on the skin is the potato. It is good when it comes to fading any dark scars and spots. Potatoes also have an enzyme that plays a critical role in easing dark skin.


  • Potato slices

How to Use?

  • You can either use potato slices to massage the skin or smear the juice to your sin. Let it settle for 15 minutes and use tepid water to clean it. Potato is very effective for your skin as it removes dark spots, lightens your skin color, removes sun tan, etc. This is one of the best ways on how to get fair skin for men naturally in your home.

5. Cucumber:


Cucumber contains vitamin C and caffeic acid which fights to overcome red or irritated skin and also hydration. While Cucumber can boost your skin very fast.


  • Cucumber

How to Use?

  • Take a Cucumber and peel it, and slice it into small pieces. Grind it well and apply it to your face. Wait for 10-15 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.  Use it twice per week to see good results. Cucumber is also used for dark circles under the eye.

6. Curd with Turmeric Powder:

Curd with Turmeric powder

Curd is known as a natural moisturizer for your skin but while with turmeric, it works great for your skin. Turmeric is being used by every individual to get fairer skin. Turmeric maintains the ph level of our skin and leaves your skin much smoother and fairer than before.


  • 2 tablespoons of Curd, Turmeric powder, and gram flour.

How to Use?

  • Take 2 tablespoons of Curd, half tablespoon of Turmeric powder, and half tablespoon of gram flour. Mix it well and apply it to your face. Wait for 15-20 minutes to dry. Then wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat it twice per week to get the best results. After a month you would find your skin much brighter and clear than before. If you have a question on how to get fair skin for men naturally in your home then this is one of the best ways to get fair skin for men and women too.

How to become Fair for Men’s Oily Skin: 

Most of us hate excessive oily skin and want to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are varieties of products available in the market to get rid of oily skin for men. However, Only some of them give good results. Today, I am going to tell you all the tried and tested results on how to become Fair for Men’s Oily Skin.

i) Aloe vera gel and Amla juice: 

Take 2-3 tablespoons of amla juice and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice and mix it properly. Apply it to your face and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it with normal water. Use this trick twice per week to get rid of oily skin in 1 month. It is really beneficial for those who have oily skin.

ii) Sugar and Tomato:

Take 1 tablespoon of sugar and tomato each and mix it properly. Apply it to your face and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat this process thrice per week for 1 month and get ready to see oil-free skin. This is not only for oily skin but also for removing dead skin cells from your face. On the other hand, this tip would erase your doubts on how to get fair skin for men naturally in your home.

iii) Scrub of Lemon and Sugar:

Take 1 spoon of sugar in a bowl and a slice of Lemon. Use lemon and sugar as a scrub for your face. Gently rub it to your face for 2-3 minutes and wash your face with normal water. You will see great results with this tip on how to become fair for men’s oily skin as well as it will help to reduce melanin in the skin. It is tried and tested by most people and has already got good results.

iv) Honey:

Take a few drops of honey in a bowl and a pinch of turmeric powder and mix it gently. Make a good paste of it and apply it to your face. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash it by lukewarm water. Follow this tip twice per week to see your skin as oil-free skin. This is one of the best tips to remove oily skin for men naturally as well as this tip is an answer to your question on how to get fair skin for men naturally in your home.

6 Secrets to Improve Skin Tone Naturally:

a) Avoid Stress:

The other tip is to avoid stress and make sure that you are happy at all times. Tension is a great obstacle to the development of good-looking skin. Avoiding stress will free up some hormones in your body that create skin boring that may lead to the breakouts of acne. At the same time, you must eat healthier foods for fairer skin.

b) Exfoliation:

The best process to give you fair skin is exfoliation. In this case, there is an occurrence of profound skin cleansing wherever clogged impurities, as well as dead skin, are detached from the topcoat of the skin. However, the process will give you a fair and clean look. At the moment, the market has a countless number of facial scrubs that are specially designed for men. You can buy scrubs that involve glycolic acid, citric acid, fruit enzymes, as well as salicylic acid. All these products are good at giving men fair skin.

c) Steaming:

Another great way on how to get fair skin for men is steaming earlier exfoliation. It will give you a fair and clear tone of the skin. Steam entails hot vapors that you can easily use to clean the oils and grime on your skin by scrubbing.  Carry out this exercise just once a week if you want to get immediate skin fairness and improve your skin tone naturally.

d) Regular Massages:

The other tip to get fair skin is carrying out regular massages. However, only use an ice dice and not a moisturizer in the message and rub it over your skin. This process helps in enhancing the supply of blood to the skin hence making it fairer and shimmering. Put two to three ice cubes in a clean piece of cloth and then gently rub it to your skin daily for 15 minutes before going to bed.

e) Drink more water:

Drinking more water also improves your skin tone naturally and believe me it is one of the best ways to get fair skin naturally in your home. Water also works as a neutralizer to improve balance things out which includes your health. It helps to glow skin for men naturally in your home.

f) Visit A Dermatologist:

In case you have a high level of contact with the sun, you can be sure that your skin will get sunburns. If this is the cause, it is recommended to check with your dermatologist. The market has several creams that enclose kojic acid as well as hydroquinone that are highly efficient when it comes to the whitening of the skin. On the contrary, you need to avoid the use of over-the-counter products. It is good to get a prescription from your doctor if you wish to achieve fair skin.


Everyone wants to get fair skin but the cosmetic products are soo expensive that they are unable to buy. Fair Skin is admired by not only women but also by men. Fair Skin becomes a personality for everyone in this generation as they are spending thousands of dollars on their skin. But unfortunately, Some of them are unable to get good results.

On the other hand, Chemicals in cosmetic products affect their a lot to their skin. People are soo desperate for fair skin that they try each and every product available in the market but in the end, they become unsuccessful to get fairer skin. So these above tips will help you to get a fair naturally for men as well for women.

Follow these above tips to get fair skin permanently. In this article, you will gain great insights on how to get fair skin for men.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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