What Are The Insurance Options For Companies That Have Employees Working Overseas?

Finance by  Mashum Mollah 14 June 2021 Last Updated Date: 23 June 2021

overseas employees

Any business owner knows the employee’s value. And will undoubtedly want to find the company’s best resource from any corner of the earth. The better the employees are taken care of, the better the employee is likely to perform.

However, the farther away from home they are, the harder it is to take care of them properly. The most responsible part is how to take care of the overseas employees when they are out of their country. When your employee is going to travel to another country, they are becoming the representative of your company. So taking care of them means you are taking care of your organization’s assets.

How To Find Insurance For The Overseas Employees?

How To Find Insurance For The Overseas Employees?

The most common types of insurance for overseas employees are health insurance. Finding health insurance for your overseas employees is not very tough to find. Only you have to find the right one on the basis of the country’s nature.

Here are three ways by which you can get a good insurance company for your employees.

1. Employer Company Insurance plan:

If the company has any specific health insurance plan for their employees, then it is okay. But if the company does provide any health insurance for overseas employees, you should ask your human resource team for any good suggestions.

2. Health Insurance For Traveling:

Health insurance for traveling purposes is readily available for overseas employees. This type of insurance will cover up any disaster, illness that may strike you abroad. Traveling time health insurance is the most common type of insurance which is given to every employee.

3. Private And Public Insurance Providers:

When you are moving to another country to find a suitable job, the insurance for the overseas employees will not fulfill your need. In many areas, you are eligible to apply for residence insurance policies. Study the terms and conditions for it. Or check your country’s national health insurance policies.

Expatriate Insurance:

Organizations and companies that do business overseas know the overwhelming need to provide different insurance coverage types for overseas employees. The most common expatriate careers include nursing, journalism, and education. While many jobs can be considered the private sector, there are quite a few that fall under civil service programs monitored by government entities.

Expatriate Insurance plans make it possible to source and provide needed medical or dental care for staff while they are working overseas. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to schedule an appointment with expatriate insurance experts before engaging in business in countries where medical options may not be plentiful.

Popular Plan Options:

  • Family Coverage
  • International Group Insurance
  • Kidnap & Ransom Insurance

What To Consider While Choosing The Insurance Plan?

What To Consider While Choosing The Insurance Plan?

Mobile citizens and overseas employees need the type of coverage that travels with them and their families without having to change policies with every move. Should an employee have to receive treatment in a country where they are not covered, the policy is ineffective. 

Therefore, it is beneficial to review options that include comprehensive medical/dental plans and various options that look out for the security of the people regardless of where they are.

Depending on where the employee is heading, Kidnapping and Ransom policies could be purchased. According to Kidnap US, cases of foreign nationals being held hostage have been on the rise for years. Either by militant groups with private agendas or with political motivations. 

Depending on the function of the employee, there could be higher risks in certain countries. Consequently, companies offering such a policy assist in negotiating on the employees’ behalf so that ransom demands can be satisfied.

What Are The Additional Benefits Of The Insurance Plan?

What Are The Additional Benefits Of The Insurance Plan?

Do you think only health insurance is offered to overseas employees?

Of course, not; there are other benefits you can provide to employees who need help when not in their home country. Some of those additional perks include but are not limited to:

  • Personal Property
  • Emergency Evacuation
  • Short Term Travel Insurance
  • Temporary Housing Insurance

As an employer, you will find personnel working effectively when they know their personal property enjoys the same protection at home and abroad. This is beneficial, especially if employees will be taking their personal vehicles with them. Although the depth of coverage varies by country, it bears looking into.


As with any insurance policy, it pays to read the fine print. What the company group policy does not cover an individual policy might. The additional coverage would reduce the out-of-pocket expense to the employer or overseas employees in case of an incident. Taking time to speak with a professional can help both understand what types of coverage should be obtained before the employee leaves the country. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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