Can A Personal Injury Attorney Help You Get A Financial Compensation?

Legal by  Mashum Mollah 10 February 2020 Last Updated Date: 12 February 2020

Personal Injury Attorney

Imagine you are working on the factory floor in your neighborhood.

The workers have been complaining about the ceiling of the factory needing repairs post the storm. However, the employer and factory owner is paying no heed to the said complaints.

One fine day, the ceiling comes down and injures many of the workers. What is going to happen? Do you know the next steps? Do you know how you can file a lawsuit and get adequate financial and medical compensation?

Leading personal injury law firm, Kinney, Fernandez, & Boire P.A. points out that it is important for victims to be aware of their rights. It is also equally important not to be drawn into bargain tactics and low balling mechanisms.

In this article, we will look at how personal injury attorneys can help you get the rightful financial compensation.

What do Personal Injury Attorneys do and how can they help victims?

Personal Injury Attorneys are lawyers, who deal with legal cases of a specific kind. They are experts when it comes to filing claims, getting compensations and out of court settlements. A few legal cases, where they can help victims are the following-

  1. Accident Cases
  2. Accidents arising out of negligence
  • Dog bite cases and other animal attacks
  1. Medical and Health Insurance Claims and Settlements
  2. Worker Layoffs and Rights Cases
  3. Children Injuries
  • Trucking accidents
  • Mental and Emotional Trauma
  1. Sexual Harassment and Mental Trauma
  2. Wrongful Death

Personal Injury Attorneys can help conduct investigations into legal cases and find out exactly how the victim was suffering. They can also get in touch with the accused and tell him about the nature of the case.

When it comes to insurance and health claims, insurance companies burden the victims with tons of paperwork. Their aim is to minimize the claims as much as possible. This leads to exploitation and increases the suffering of the victim.

What kind of Damages are Victims Entitled to in Personal Injury Cases?

According to a leading legal firm, Kinney, Fernandez, & Boire P.A. there are three kinds of damages that victims can claim-

Medical Claims:

Victims can claim medical expenses that have arisen because of the injury. They can also claim future medical expenses that they are going to incur. For example, someone might need physiotherapy following recovery from an accident case.

Lost Wages:

What happens if you miss work or are unable to earn the same following an injury? In such a case, your personal injury lawyer can make a claim for Lost Wages. This is the financial claim that arises when you have to miss work because of an injury.

Human Damages:

Many people suffer from mental and emotional trauma following an accident or incident of personal injury. In such cases, a personal injury attorney can make a claim for Human Damages.


Normal people like you and me do not have the time, the energy, the knowledge or the resources to file legal complaints and seek financial compensations. A personal injury attorney can help in addressing the grievance of the victims and fighting for what is fair.

If there is anyone in your family or friend circle who needs help from a personal injury attorney, please share the article.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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