Website Design Accessibility: Essential Components For Excellent Interaction With Users

Dev & Design by  Ariana Smith 29 October 2020 Last Updated Date: 11 January 2021

Website Design

One of the essential criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a site is its usability, in other words, how it is easy and convenient to interact with the dynamic content on web pages from the perspective of users who are your potential customers. The achievement of full users’ involvement and provoking the desire to pick your offer depends mostly on the appealing of the website design and the first impression of the target audience. Having a smart approach, the visitor will take the targeted action and click a CTA button. User tolerance for all sorts of shortcomings like slow content loading, breakdowns, or inconvenience tends to zero. No one will wait for too long for the page to be displayed.

However, by making your website more accessible, business owners can reach the following goals:

  • attracting new customers and increasing sales;
  • boosting brand awareness and expanding the sphere of influence (enter new markets, crush competitors, etc.);
  • simplifying a purchase procedure;
  • boosting loyalty through inspiring web design;
  • informing a wider target audience about the company, brand, services, products, sales, promotions, related to your business industry news;
  • building the company’s impeccable reputation;
  • provision of services in a way comfortable for clients, for example, through apps;
  • establishing strong emotional connections with a customer.

Now, it is time to analyze the existing website design and understand what kind of communication abilities it has and what you are gaining from it at the moment (organic traffic, lead generation, sales-boosting). If you want to obtain high-quality leads from the site, then you need to think about whether the site solves the consumer’s issues.

Investing in proficient web design services to grow business through digital tools

The site should demonstrate why a specific segment needs your product/service and how a particular individual can benefit from selecting you. After running an advertising campaign that includes developing an outstanding and accessible website design and ada compliant website, the majority of the target audience should easily recognize your brand.


Site architecture should be simple and intuitive. User-friendliness means that anyone who enters web pages can without any obstacles find the section/product/articles or take the desired action in just a few clicks. Avoiding distractive components in web design, such as bright colors or intrusive animation is the wisest decision. All this scares off both the user and the search robots, which will hinder search engine optimization and website promotion in Google. It is required to develop the clearest site structure and, if necessary, optimize it.

Loading speed

Optimizing your site’s loading speed will help to avoid user frustration while waiting for content to display. Also, always be mobile-oriented since the excellent loading speed of the mobile version will drive even more organic traffic.


Visitors should be encouraged to buy by visible and avoking-to-action CTA buttons, thereby significantly increasing the number of customers.

Relevant content

Unique articles, striking illustrations, and high-quality infographics are integral parts of website design for producing a desired or intended result. The task is to engage as many potential clients as possible through attention-grabbing and optimized site’s elements: relevant articles on your blog, branding components like logo, bio section and contact details, social proof.

If you want to get the most out of your web strategy, consider partnering with the LuxSite team of developers, marketers, and SEO specialists. Dedicated and passionate experts will execute inspiring ideas to make your website more accessible and turn it into an indispensable digital marketing tool.

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Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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