10 Tips of Writing an Effective Essay

Writing by  Aaron Abbey 11 April 2017 Last Updated Date: 27 January 2018

Writing essay

This type of narrative can be very useful to you when studying. Learn how to get the most out of it through a series of simple steps.

The essay is a type of literary genre in which the author analyzes, interprets or criticizes a specific topic in a brief and concise manner. Usually it poses a single point of view and has a clear and determined structure. It is common for university to require this type of writing, but it can also be really useful when studying, as it allows you to express your ideas around a thematic and discuss notions from your point of view. In this way you will demonstrate to the teacher that you are not only interested in the subject, but that you have an opinion formed around it. In addition, it is a good way to practice for an exam or partial writing.

In an effective essay, a personal perspective or point of view about a problem is usually expressed. Not as a mere private opinion, but with the intention of persuading others of what one think and says. That is why it is important to have clear ideas, good reasons and achieve an orderly way of exposing them through a text.

The plan of an essay should consider an introduction (in which the problem is raised, as well as its importance or interest, and the point of view to be taken for consideration), a personal development and conclusion.

Consider the following recommendations:


The topic needs to be relevant. Opt for current topics and think about the recipient, the target audience of your essay. Be sure to gather information from local and international media to learn the topic in depth. Visit different websites and note what you learn and the sources you visit in case you want to re-consult them. Remember that the ideas you develop should be backed up with documentation and if appointments do not forget the quotes and the footer.


As you go into the subject and go through the different portals or consult the bibliography indicated, you will find that there are some arguments that you cannot dismiss and must necessarily appear. To avoid forgetting them, be sure to make an orderly listing of the most important points and include them in your essay.


When you have your notes ready, determine the structure you will use. The best way to write an essay is by dividing it by parts. The most common mode is to place an introduction, a development and a conclusion.

The first part should make known the thematic, the end of the investigation and the organization of the text. The body or development extends the information mentioned in the introduction with solid arguments. Finally, the conclusion reviews the central ideas mentioned and illustrates the author’s opinion on the subject. Remember that it is an academic work so it is essential that you keep the formal tone, avoiding humor and sarcasm, as well as colloquial vocabulary.


Every good writer knows how important the draft is prior to the final work. The essay involves a lot of order at the level of ideas and structure, so before writing make sure you are clear what you want to include. Sketching in draft form may be a good idea.


The main thing is to know the structure of the essays, which has an introduction, a development and a conclusion. The introduction is usually short, but it all depends on the scope of our writing. Its function is to introduce the reader to the topic and to bring it abreast of what has been said about the topic so far, that is, presenting the background.

Development is nothing more or nothing less than the body of the essay. This is where you have to put forward the arguments that support the hypothesis. Remember to include quotes, sources and references, as they give truth to the work. The conclusion is the final part of the essay. In it we can make a recapitulation of the main lines of argument following a line from the hypothesis and end up giving our point of view or final resolution of the topic.


The essay is not intended to exhaust all the possibilities of a subject, but focuses only on a part of it. Avoid writing paragraphs and paragraphs of other aspects of the subject in question.


This will give dynamism to the text and will keep the reader’s attention. It’s a way to avoid boring your audience and make the ideas concrete.


Before you submit the final version, check it out. Read carefully for typographical, spelling or syntax errors.


However objective your essay may be, it is recommended that after the conclusion you include a paragraph that encourages reflection and attempts to change the reader’s perspective on the subject.


In this section the author expresses his own ideas on the subject, allows giving some suggestions of solution, to close the ideas that were worked in the development of the subject and to propose lines of analysis for later writings. Contemplate the other 10% of the essay, about half a page. This last part maintains a certain parallelism with the introduction by the direct reference to the thesis of the essayist, with the difference that in the conclusion the thesis must be deepened, in the light of the expositions exposed in the development.

A key point to work on the development of a good essay is the development of a plan that aims at clarity (conceptual and linguistic precision), coherence of argument, relevance of examples and counterexamples.

To make a good essay you have to start writing and have some style considerations. But, the most important thing is to try, to try, to blur and to try again.

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Aaron Abbey

Aaron is a professional academic writer and research analyst in London. He's an experienced writer for Dissertation help in the UK. He has been providing Dissertation Writing Services to college & university students on various fitness and business websites.

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