6 Great Ideas for Your Powerpoint Presentations So Your Audience Doesn’t Fall Asleep

Featured by  Abdul Aziz Mondal 26 November 2020 Last Updated Date: 26 June 2023


Everyone has seen good and bad Powerpoint presentations, but what separates the wheat from the chaff? The ideas below should help your PowerPoint presentation stand out in a good way in your viewers’ minds.

Here are 6 Great Ideas for Your Powerpoint Presentations So Your Audience Doesn’t Fall Asleep:

#1 Keep Things Simple

Powerpoint has slides with landscape and horizontal orientations. The software is an easy way to show graphical information to support what the speaker is saying and offer visual evidence of what she is saying.

The slides are not intended to be the focus of the presentation. People come to your presentation to gain information. Don’t let the message and your ability to tell a good story to be ruined by unnecessarily complicated slides. Beware of what some experts call slides that are ‘chart junk.’ Each slide should have a lot of white or negative space. The less clutter, the better.

#2 Reduce Bullet points and Text

The PowerPoint presentation is to benefit your audience. But you can bore an audience into a coma with endless bullet points. Just because you made it a bullet point does not make it an essential piece of information.

Regarding text, did you know that some of the best slides do not have ANY text? That may sound nuts given all the text-heavy slides you see, but the best PowerPoint slide in the galaxy is worthless without compelling narration (you).

Remember that your slides are intended to support your narration and not upstage the speaker. Some people often say that they missed the presentation but want the slides. If you did your job, the slides are of limited use without your narration.

It’s better to provide those absent with a written report that highlights your presentation’s content, in addition to the slides.

#3 Use High-Quality Graphics

It’s critical to use the best quality photos that you can. Feel free to use your high-quality prints from your camera, buy professional photos online, find top-quality images online, and be aware of copyright issues.

For example, if you give a presentation on home remodeling and modern fireplace designs, be sure that you have the latest designs’ highest quality images.

Those spectacular fireplace design images do not need to be supported by a lot of Powerpoint text. They mostly speak for themselves. You can mention how a modern fireplace design includes such vitals as clean lines, bold colors, and minimalist ideals, but the photos will do most of the work for you.

#4 Have a Striking Visual Theme

Establish a consistent visual look throughout the presentation. However, those included Powerpoint templates have been seen by audiences a gazillion times. And they are pretty mediocre templates anyway.

Your audience wants a unique presentation, so give them one. You can easily design your background Power-point templates that are suited to your specific presentation. Save the PP file as a design template so you can reuse it.

#5 Use Color Appropriately

Colors evoke different feelings. It is emotional. The appropriate color can motivate and persuade your viewers. Studies prove that the proper use of color can boost interest and even increase learning comprehension.

It is unnecessary to be a color theory expert, but a skilled business professional should know a little about it. Remember that colors are generally in two groups:

  • Cool – think blue and green.
  • Warm – think orange and red.

Cool colors are useful for backgrounds because they seem to recede from the viewer. Warm colors work for foreground objects, such as text, because they appear to be going toward the viewer.

#6 Select Fonts Well

The appropriate font communicates a subtle message, which is why you should choose them carefully. Use the same set of fonts throughout your presentation. Do not use more than two related fonts, such as Arial and Arial Bold.

Remember that serif font is easier to read at smaller sizes. But in larger sizes, the serifs blur because most projects are low resolution. Experts say san-serif fonts are ideal for most Powerpoint presentations, but please do not use Helvetica all the time.

If you are exploring the idea of podcast advertising, you’ve no doubt run into the task of trying to find the perfect audience for your ads. Advertising on a niche podcast is an excellent way of speaking with a specific, focused audience.

But what exactly is a niche podcast, what are the benefits of advertising on one, and are there any disadvantages? Not only that – where do you find the right niche podcast on which to advertise?

Let’s take a look at the mysterious world of niche podcast advertising, answer all of these questions, and discover some expert tips that will make your next advertising campaign a hit. For instance, a great idea is to explore voice over for podcast templates to enhance your ads and engage your audience effectively.

The best PowerPoint presentations are just an extension of your message and narration. Keeping the tips above in mind should help your presentation to stick in your viewers’ minds.

Abdul Aziz Mondal

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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