Arshad Madhani Shares: 4 Ways To Maximize Your Revenue This Holiday Season

Business by  Ariana Smith 16 October 2018 Last Updated Date: 21 February 2020

Arshad Madhani

With more than a decade of entrepreneurial experience, an MBA degree from Texas A&M University (in 2011), and hundreds of satisfied clients to his credit, Arshad Madhani is one of the most respected digital marketing experts in the business. As a consultant who helps a diverse clientele face the daily challenges of creating effective marketing strategies, Arshad Madhani knows the fine points of crafting a tailor-made strategy to meet a company’s needs.

Madhani’s innovative perspective and visionary insights into marketing and the digital world have helped guide countless entrepreneurs through an often-confusing global economy. Now headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Arshad Madhani focuses on assisting his many private clients who seek his guidance on topics like selling, strategizing, building brand awareness, smart competition, and achieving short- and long-term financial goals.

Madhani’s commitment to sharing his knowledge is evident in the many interviews he grants to interested journalists and fellow business leaders. Below, Arshad Madhani discusses how business owners can best prepare for the upcoming holiday season by examining four effective ways to optimize the bottom line before the end-year shopping cycle arrives.

4 Ways to Maximize Your Revenue this Holiday Season

Test Your Systems Now:

Never wait until the last minute to do a dry-run on your essential infrastructure systems like ordering functionality, shopping cart accuracy, accounting stability, and other customer-facing items that might contain glitches and kinks. Remember, traffic will increase, perhaps massively, when the holidays arrive. Make sure everything is in good working order before the crowds show up.

2. Make Sure You Have Adequate Supplies:

It seems like a mundane detail, but business owners must maintain adequate supplies of all kinds. That means having plenty of shipping/packing necessities, office essentials, and common items like tape, ink cartridges, backup power units, batteries, pre-paid postage, a functioning shredder, and all your personal office favorites. Shop now so you won’t be forced to make runs to the store on super-busy days.

3. Read up On Trends:

Learn everything you can about your industry’s seasonal trends. What’s hot this year? What’s dead in the water? Are there new kinds of customer service you should know about? Have postage rates changed or about to? Are there some new tax laws that will impact your bottom line at year-end? Questions like these should be on your mind. Stay on top of your industry, especially before holiday season.

4. Don’t Price Yourself Too Low:

Don’t overdo the price cutting. Small companies can’t compete with the giant retailers on price, so think about what you can compete on. Maybe you offer over-the-phone customer service, overnight shipping, or all sorts of personalized product choices. Build your seasonal marketing around those little things that set you apart and you’ll not need to slash prices so low just to bring in customers.

During the holiday rush, many consumers expect less-than-great customer service. By making certain that your company delivers A-plus customer service, you can instantly get a leg up on the competition. Also, you’ll be acquiring repeat, lifetime clients along the way.

Get More Insight from Arshad:

Readers can gather more insights from Arshad Madhani by checking out the links below:

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Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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