Alternatives to a Custom Room Addition

Home & garden by  Arnab 24 July 2021

Room Addition

If you’ve been feeling the urge to stretch out and your current home is starting to feel a little bit cramped, you may have been entertaining the idea of adding a custom room addition to your home. While it may seem like a good idea at the moment, especially if you’re wanting to improve your home’s value, it may not be the most prudent financial decision.

After all, building a home addition can be a costly endeavor, not to mention the time spent waiting for it to be completed. Instead of adding a new custom room addition to your home, why not try one of these clever ideas instead?

Alternatives to a Custom Room Addition

Here are the top alternatives to a custom room addition that you must know in 2021.

Convert Your Basement

If you happen to have a basement in your home, then you probably already know that space is a totally untapped resource in your house. However, if you’re like most people, your basement is already being put to use — as a glorified storage closet! That said, some very simple renovations can transform your basement into a livable space.

Since it already has all the essentials that you need (a roof, HVAC system, and solid flooring), all you need to do is just make it cozy. Add a bit of fresh paint to the walls, then move some furniture downstairs, and you’ve got a playroom ready for yourself and your friends. Or if you want, why not transform it into a second living room, and mount a flat-screen TV down there? The possibilities are endless.

Put Your Solarium to Good Use

Having an enclosed patio is one of those spaces that many of us don’t think about much. It lets in a lot of natural sunlight, so you may think that it’s just a glorified greenhouse. The truth is, it’s so much more than that…and it’s just begging for you to add a little bit of a creative touch to it.

Since it already has all of that amazing light streaming in, all you need to do next is think of logistics. Make sure the glass is UV coated, or consider investing in it. Then, bring out some lovely potted plants, some durable furniture, and maybe a bookshelf or two. There you have it: the perfect reading nook for yourself and your family!

Don’t Let Your Attic Go to Waste

If you’re like most people, your attic is a completely untapped resource. Most likely, it’s just housing all of your old holiday decorations and knick-knacks. Instead of letting this amazing real estate go to waste, why not go ahead and finish your attic, then transform it into the perfect room for your little ones?

After you address the insulation and make sure there’s enough natural light streaming in, you’ll want to add a few homey touches. Add twinkling fairy lights, a futon or daybed, and a plush rug beneath your feet. From being a dark and damp space to being a dreamy bedroom, you’ll love how you fixed it up.

The Final Thoughts

Getting the most out of the existing space in your home doesn’t have to be a huge, costly endeavor. Instead of stressing about hiring contractors, or having to worry about moving out while tearing down walls, you can make the most out of the space you already have. And whether you decide to fix up your solarium or your basement, you’re going to love what you’ve done to the place once you’re done with it!

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Arnab Das is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

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