How Dubai will make Drone Deliveries Happen with New Law

Legal by  Mashum Mollah 17 October 2020

Drone Deliveries

Dubai is known as a luxurious city with modern technology and skyscrapers; that’s why the latest move to implement a new drone law is not a surprise. The commercial flight was limited before this law was issued. Commercial drone operations can now commence in the UAE.

The law was issued in Dubai to guide future drone services and lay the foundation for commercial drone services, including flying taxis and drone deliveries. The city’s state-of-the-art technology, modern skylines, and futuristic digital services make it possible for drone services to operate effortlessly. The government is always on the forefront to support technology in the region; government-sponsored laboratories have already developed a prototype.

Advantages of Drone Delivery

Drones are not new, and they have been used for various activities, including delivery. Many companies around the world use drones to deliver packages. This service is beneficial because it saves time; car/truck/van deliveries take time or days because of traffic or inaccessible roads. Drone deliveries are fast, and they can reach rural areas.

This service encourages e-commerce; most people are embracing online shopping because it’s convenient. However, some are skeptical of the state of their orders after delivery. Drone delivery ensures that the package is delivered on time and in good condition.

This type of delivery is good for the environment. Your package spends an extended amount of time on the road before getting to you. The mode of transportation uses fossil fuels, which emit harmful gases to the environment. Drones are a better alternative because they are safe and do not emit greenhouse gases.

How will Drone Deliveries Operate?

Drone Deliveries

This new law will help Dubai, and the UAE become a center for smart transportation and drone manufacturing. Here is how this system will operate.

The Role of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DCAA) is a self-governing agency of the Dubai Government responsible for overseeing all aviation matters. This body will manage all activities and operations in adherence to federal legislation and international conventions and treaties. The roles also include assessing and managing drone activity in their allocated airspaces and establishing procedures and conditions for awarding permits and doing trials. The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority will identify and authorize designated heights and areas for drones’ trials and operations.

The DCAA will approve all drone-related activities by issuing licenses. They will also collaborate with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to establish procedures that will guide remote control stations and radiofrequency usage for drones and their operations. The DCAA will also award licenses for drone supply by ensuring that all requirements are met. If you want to venture into this business, you can consult a legal consultant in a law firm in Dubai to understand how you need to prepare. The aviation authority will also approve drone operation areas in the region.

The Dubai Air Navigation Services

The Dubai Air Navigation Services (DANS) is responsible for the capacity, safety, and efficiency of the air navigation services via cutting-edge technologies, innovative solutions, and leading in expertise.

DANS will improve drone activities within the city’s airspace and mark areas they can operate within; this will enable the DCAA to monitor drone activities. The Dubai Air Navigation Services is responsible for providing air traffic movement, air navigation services, and meteorological data to drone operators for safe navigation. This body is responsible for identifying safe air routes based on approved and preplanned procedures laid down by the DCAA.

Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects (DAEP)

DAEP is a top engineering organization tasked with master planning, designing, and constructing Dubai’s complex aviation infrastructure. Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects is responsible for developing specifications, conditions, and standards for ‘Drone Airports’ and awaiting approval from the DCAA. DAEP will also confirm that these plans align with transport regulations and urban plans in the city.

Dubai Police

Dubai Police is a fundamental part of the UAE Police Force. It aims to improve the quality of life for all residents by adhering to the constitutional rights to maintain security, execute the law, and ensure everyone’s safety in the country. Dubai Police is responsible for all the drones’ security activities collaborating with the DCAA to establish security features to prevent people from committing crimes using drones and illegal use of drones.

Dubai Police is also tasked with outlining measures to handle the loss of control of drones, especially if they fly outside the marked area and disregarding regulations. Individuals who endanger the airspace, manufacture, design, assemble, or transform a drone or its system in the UAE without the DCAA’s permission will suffer tough fines or imprisonment.

Dubai is a futuristic city, and it’s halfway to becoming an international drone manufacturing, air transport innovation, and smart transport hub. Ecommerce and logistics companies will benefit from this new law that outlines the legal framework for delivering packages and goods using drones.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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