How Mobile Web Design Affects Organic Search Rankings

Dev & Design by  Mashum Mollah 27 November 2020 Last Updated Date: 31 March 2022

Web Design

Why Web Design is important for your SEO

A fairly common Internet marketing problem is the situation when companies at the stage of website development are focused only on design features (bright images, catchy fonts, animations) rather than technical parameters, which are essential for further promotion in search engines. Also, specialists often skip the phase of the mobile Web Design building, which also has a detrimental effect on advertising tactics. And it ultimately leads to failure during the implementation of the online campaign. It takes a lot of effort, time, and costs to fix these issues. Extra work on SEO optimisation can harm your leading positions in Google, and, as a result, you will lose organic traffic, leads, and income. Low conversions won’t generate sales, and your business will crash only because the critical components for the site as the main tool of online marketing were ignored in the initial stage of development.

Focusing on mobile-friendly design

The mobile era has arrived, and responsive design by an Atlanta web design company has become an integral part of any digital strategy. For a website to provide good UX and to rank properly, it must be responsive to small screens. The mobile-first design is needed to automatically shrink down content based on the user’s device screen settings to display the website in a convenient manner. If you still don’t have mobile Web Design, you must immediately fix this gap since the poorly performed site won’t bring results.

Other crucial Web Design factors to optimize for top rankings

Website loading speed

Website loading speed

If the site fails to load in 3 seconds, more likely, that users will leave it and go to your competitors who have taken care of quick content displaying. Potential clients can be impatient, or they may have a slow Internet connection. Therefore, it is important to take care that all components that slow down the site were eliminated. Slow loading speed kills your SEO.

Site structure

One of the most important processes in the creation of web design is the development of the structure. It should be simple, logical, and clear to navigate the user in a hassle-free way. In most cases, due to the requirements of search engine optimization, experts have to modify the structure, and sometimes build a completely new one. Therefore, site structure should be developed with SEO in mind at the very beginning.

Content is the basis of digital marketing


Achieving marketing goals through content is not always a straightforward task. Thus, in order for the content to be relevant for users and visible for search robots, you need to find out who your target audience is, what and why they are looking for in Google, and how to optimize your site for top queries. Here are some tips on how to reach successful outcomes:

  • start with your potential buyers and their intents;
  • write not only technical texts for robots but also cover issues valuable for your readers;
  • create a list of keywords and make sure your texts are properly optimized.

How to deal with SEO challenges?

Website design and SEO are two driving forces of your online presence plan. The goal of every web designer should be web page building with key SEO elements in mind that should be considered before, during, and after the website creation procedure. The above elements are not a complete picture yet, because it also includes the URL structure, header, title, description tags, image optimization, etc. For a comprehensive promotion approach, consider cooperation with the Studio agency. Paying attention to all the details, the team of experts will deliver measurable results.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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