What Music Should You Use for Your Documentaries

Music by  Mashum Mollah 01 December 2020 Last Updated Date: 27 November 2024

music for documentaries

Filmmakers working on documentaries are always searching for the perfect music to suit the tone of their productions. Indeed, what really tends to set the best documentaries apart is the suspense and intrigue that can be generated by an artful soundtrack.

If you work in documentary production or have a passion as an amateur filmmaker, you will know how challenging it can be to find music that you feel adds something to your documentaries. If you ask the best documentary makers how they manage to hit the nail on the head time after time with the mood of their films, nine out of ten of them will point you toward the media subscription company that they use. In this article, we will examine how these companies can help to give your documentary the perfect mood to fit the content.

One of the most infuriating parts of editing the sound of any video is securing the correct permissions to use a piece of music. As you will know, music is subject to some of the strictest copyright and intellectual property rights regulations you will find anywhere. Falling foul of these regulations means that you could land yourself in hot water with the authorities. This is why it is always essential to make sure that the music that you use is either royalty-free or that you have specific permission from the artist or third-party media company before you even think about putting it in your video.

Media Companies

The story that you are telling in your documentary deserves to be told in a way that engages the audience to the maximum degree possible. Too often do we see an excellent documentary that does not manage to make the impact that it should for no other reason than the fact that it is accompanied by fuzzy, low-bitrate music from obscure artists that does a poor job of adding to the overall message and feel of the documentary for no other reason than the producer was not able to secure permission to use more suitable music.

Fortunately, there is a solution! Media companies like FirstCom now offer a huge range of tracks that you can use without having to worry about possible copyright infringements. These companies offer an affordable subscription service that gives you access to a massive library of music for documentaries, ranging from well-known artists to songs that are specifically written, performed, and produced for use in programs like yours. Companies like FirstCom own 100 percent of the rights of the music that they stock, so you can rest easy safe in the knowledge that you are being supplied with music that really enhances the mood and feel of your documentaries instead of leading to takedown notices on YouTube and threats from the artists’ legal representatives.

Choosing the right music for your documentary is made simple when using media companies. Sign up today and be amazed by the incredible diversity of tracks at your disposal!

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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