Ten Rules for Producing A Fantastic E-Book To Promote Your Business

Marketing by  Mashum Mollah 29 December 2020

Rules for Producing A Fantastic E-Book

Lead generation is the backbone of every online business. Every company needs new leads for sustainable growth. Furthermore, lead generation improves the SERP of a firm. Therefore, companies must have a spectacular lead generation strategy.

Email Lists and Lead Generation

Curating email lists is a sure-shot way to increase profits and improve sales. Why is that so? First of all, it is where most of the consumers are. According to research, 91% of 3.6 billion email users check their email daily. Secondly, emails are the best way to get visitors to return to your website. Thirdly, emails have a great return on investment (ROI). Research suggests that the average ROI of email marketing is 4300%. And lastly, email is an inexpensive form of lead generation.

But how can we get to these email addresses? Herein lies the issue. Companies rely on clever tricks to entice visitors to give up their email addresses. One such method is by offering free books to the visitors in return for the email address. But text with tacky execution and irrelevant information will never help you generate leads. Read through this guide with Ten Rules for Producing A Fantastic E-Book that visitors cannot resist.

 Here are Ten Rules for Producing A Fantastic E-Book


Rule No.1: Know what sells

No one is interested in buying a book with your view on current affairs unless you are a well-known commentator. Therefore, you must always write about what is popular in your sector. Scroll through community posts and online forums to find out about the burning questions that keep your target audience up at night. You can also go through old blog posts and find out which of the topics perform well with your customers. And if you are an expert in the field, you might not have to start from scratch. Just organize the material into a book format, and you are good to go. Some online programs also show you the trending content for a particular keyword. Do your due diligence and select a topic that has created a buzz in your sector.

Rule No.2: Work on the first impression

It is true; first impressions can quite often be the last ones. Nowadays, people are quick to judge a book by its cover (pun intended). So do not make a horrendous cover that may scare away your customers. Try to give it your best shot and make the book cover vibrant and exciting. Or you can avoid this whole process and get pre-made or customized ebook designs for your content.

Rule No.3: Focus on your tone

Since your text is a representation of your blog and website, it must be unique. You want a consistent voice in both mediums. Suppose you sell young, urban streetwear. Your text should not read like a formal description of the clothing. It will only turn off future customers and make your book seem spammy. Humor is the best way to engage readers, so try to approach things from a humorous angle. Consider adding statistics to give a more reliable tone to the book. Some digital marketers recommend adding personal anecdotes to make the content more relatable. Do not use spammy language. As a rule of thumb, write as if you are talking to an eight-year-old, and you should be fine.

Rule No.4: Get a second and third opinion

Understandably, you might not be too confident about your skills as a writer. But do not lose hope just yet. Remember that first drafts always need a lot of work. Your writing evolves with constant rewrites, so do not be daunted by that. Get second and third opinions about your book. Show your work to friends and family for honest feedback. You can also hire an editor to check your work for any errors in tone or grammar.

Rule No.5: Have excellent content

The online marketplace is well-saturated with fellow content creators using similar tactics to generate sales. Therefore, you must bring something new to the table to attract customers and visitors. Try not to repeat what you have already talked about before. Or, if you have to recycle the content, give a fresh spin to it. Exclusive content is the best since it builds trust and authority with the customer base.

Rule No. 6: How long does an online book need to be?

Now that you have decided on the topic, you must think about how long it should be. Think of books as guides on the topic you choose to write. However, there is a delicate balance that you must maintain. If the text is too short, then people will not like your work. Make it too long, and you might lull the reader to sleep. Therefore, you must maintain a balance in the word count that is just enough to capture interest. An average of 2000 to 2500 words would suffice.

Rule No.7: Add your ebook to the right page

After your work is complete, the next thing to consider is where to place it. Some digital creators link text to blog posts related to their topic. You can also post the book on sites such as Amazon and Slideshare to get more visitors. No matter where you post the link, always add an opt-in form since generating leads is your objective. Moreover, remember to use backlinks to improve SEO and make your pages easy to find.

Rule No.8: Let the world know about your excellent book

No one will know that you have written a book unless you publicize it. Share a link to your ebook on your brand’s social media pages. And add a few lines as excerpts from the book to let readers know that the book is just what they are looking for, and you can also promote your book on online forums such as Quora and Reddit.

Rule No.9: Watermark your ebook

Now that you have shared your work with the world, it might travel to people far and wide. It might even be shared and reshared amongst people for its insights. Therefore, you must watermark your text so that people know about the original creator. But you do not want to go overboard with branding, or it might start looking like an advertisement. Be tasteful, and remember that less is more. Add an author image with a short bio on the first page of your book.

 Rule No.10: Keep your work updated

With time, your books might get irrelevant and lose their value. Therefore, you must keep them updated so that people can continue to rely on them as a primary source of information.

There are many advantages to publishing eBooks for marketing; they are inexpensive and long-lasting. They may also increase your authority and credibility within the market. Furthermore, an ebook can supplement your income as a passive income generator. Most importantly, it can get you the most coveted thing in the world of marketing – an email list.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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