Ways Technology Can Make College Life Easier For You

Lifestyle by  Mashum Mollah 28 March 2020

college life

College life can be stressful and demanding. There are a lot of changes that come with college life. But, academics is the significant bulk of it. It is crucial to balance your academic life with every other aspect of your life.

You have to be intentional about this balance, though. It takes deliberate planning and organization. The critical question is, how do you make college life easier? Thankfully, technology comes in handy in times like this. It can write a dissertation instead of you, but a lot of other ways of improving life are possible.

Below are five technology tools fashioned to help you go through college successfully and still enjoy the experience.

Ways Technology Can Make College Life Easier For You:

1. Dragon Dictation

Voicing your ideas is a whole lot easier than writing, not to mention time-saving. Because students have a lot of assignments and projects, Dragon dictation is of great help. Students use it to write papers, take notes, and do homework. This tool is very efficient for saving time and reducing stress.

2. Mint

College students are always in need of money because they spend a lot. A responsible adult knows to keep track of his spending to avoid running into debt. Mint helps with this task. This tool helps to keep track of how you spend and on what. Some people even have a limit on the app to give warnings when they are getting close. This feature helps them cut back on their expenses.

3. Banjo

Group reading is excellent, but having personal time to oneself is more important. Personal time can be used to meditate, relax, or read. Whichever the case may be, students are in regular need of me-time. Getting alone time might be difficult for college kids as friends are almost always around. The Banjo app alerts students when a friend is around. This app helps the student avoid them.

4. Life Hack

Students often get confused and tired every once in a while. They may need answers and don’t know who to turn to for them. Life Hack is just the perfect tool. With advice and help on finances, relationships, social lives, Life Hack answers a lot of questions that students may have. So while they are adjusting to the new environment, they have something handy they can always trust.

5. Exam Countdown

Just as the name sounds, it counts down. In this case, it works towards exam dates. It is straightforward to use. Just input the exam date, and the app does its work. This app helps you to stay vigilant and reminds you that you have something to do. It helps you to plan and organize yourself for your exams.


College life is hard, an absolute far cry from what you were used to in high school. The lessons students learn here are not only relevant for the immediate future but would be useful later in life. Hence, you should not spend all your time reading. There are a lot of adventures to explore. These tools help you to get the free time you need to do so.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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