What Type Of Custom Report Shows A Static Sortable Table With Rows Of Data?

Google by  Mashum Mollah 06 September 2021 Last Updated Date: 13 February 2025

What Type Of Custom Report Shows A Static Sortable Table With Rows Of Data

What Type Of Custom Report Shows A Static Sortable Table With Rows Of Data?

Option 1: Explorer

Option 2: Pivot Table 

Option 3: Explorer 

Option 4: Flat Table 

The correct answer to this question is “Flat Table.”

Understanding and analyzing Google Analytics requires enough time as well as dedication. The presence of so many tools makes its dissection complex. But if you give little commitment, it is actually a gold mine in the form of rich insights. One question that we have been receiving continuously is what type of custom report shows a static sortable table with rows of data?  

I hope you know that custom reports are made by you on Google Analytics. All you do is pick metrics or dimensions and display them as per your choices. But do you know why we selected “Flat Table” as the answer to “What type of custom report shows a static, sortable table with rows of data?.” 

Read this guide till the end to get an in-depth understanding.  

What Is A Custom Report In Google Analytics?

What Is A Custom Report In Google Analytics

The first thing that we will learn in the guide is A background idea on custom reports. It would facilitate you to perceive the answer to “what type of custom report shows a static, sortable table with rows of data?” 

Custom reports are created by you when you choose dimensions, metrics and take decisions regarding placing them. How many dimensions and metrics do you have to specify – Minimum one metric and one dimension. 

If you are thinking that you can combine any metric or dimension in your report, then you are wrong. Not all of the pairs with every custom report. Wanna know how to create simple, basic custom reports?

  1. At first sign in to Google Analytics 
  2. Now go to your view and open Reports 
  3. Tap customization and then navigate to custom reports.  

How To Create Flat Table Custom Reports?

How To Create Flat Table Custom Reports

Now that you know how to create custom reports, it’s time to learn what flat table custom, the report is. Before hopping on to the explanation of the answer to what type of custom report shows a static sortable table with rows of data?” Let’s evaluate this.    

You must be wanting to know how you can create Custom Reports on Google Analytics, that also with the Flat Table type. So here we have arrived with a step-by-step solution to your question. Follow the section below to learn more about how to make a custom report in google analytics with Flat Table report type.

  • Sign in to Google Analytics
  • Go to your view and open reports. 
  • Then follow this path Customization>Custom Reports> +New Custom Report
  • Ensure to give relevant titles
  • Click +add report tab. 
  • Now it’s time to select the report type Choose the Flat Table
  • Input your metrics and dimensions and hit +add filter to restrict the report within particular dimensions
  • Finally, click Save. 

Explanation Of The Answer

Flat Table is the answer to “what type of custom report shows a static sortable table with rows of data?” Great, you have got your answer. But are you satisfied with this? I am sure you are not. That is why we have brought a detailed explanation to this answer. 

As per the team Google Analytics, Flat Tables are explained as static, sortable tables that display data in the form of rows. This means that if you apply the report type as “Flat table,” it will give you a sortable static table with rows of data. 

However, the “Funnel” Type, on the other hand, is a conversion funnel. Whereas. “Map Overlay” gives a world map with different countries containing traffic volumes. On the contrary, the “Explorer type” is the basic google analytics report with a dynamic data table and a line graph. 

So none of the remaining options would have gone with the mentioned requirements in the question except the “Flat Table.”  

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Are The Different Reports That Can be Generated Under Build Custom Report?

The different types of custom reports on Google analytics under the build custom report segment are Funnel, Static, Map Overlay, and Explorer. Each of these types has unique properties and serves distinctive functions.   

Q2. What Is A Static Report?

A static report is a category of the custom report developed using the “Static” report type. A static report basically displays a static sortable table with data rows. 

Q3. How Do I Create A Custom Table In Google Analytics?

The procedures of creating a custom report are as follows:

  • Log in to Google Analytics
  • Tap Admin and go to the related property
  • Click on the Custom Tables under the property column
  • Hit on the +New Custom Table 
  • Type a suitable title and choose a bowie from the drop-down View menu
  • Now click +add dimensions. You can now add 6 dimensions maximum
  • Then tap on the +add metric. Here you can add up to 25 metrics. 
  • Furthermore, you can also apply segment and filter from +add segment and +add filter, respectively.
  • Once everything is done, make sure to save your custom table by clicking Save.   

The Final Verdict

The correct answer to the question “what type of custom report shows a static sortable table with rows of data?” “Flat Table.” I hope, after reading the guide, your query is clear by now.

Flat table custom report forms an essential component of Google Analytics which you may often need while performing different actions. So it’s better to understand its functions, tricks, and tips for efficient usage. 

Got any more questions? We are here to solve all of your doubts; simply leave your query in the box below, and we will be reaching out to you soon. Also, do not forget to shower your viewpoint about this post.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com.

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