What Feature Would Be Used To Collect How Many Times Users Downloaded A Product Catalog?

Google by  Mashum Mollah 04 August 2021

What Feature Would Be Used To Collect How Many Times Users Downloaded A Product Catalog

What Feature Would Be Used To Collect How Many Times Users Downloaded A Product Catalog?

  1. Custom Report
  2. Calculated Metrics
  3. Custom Dimensions
  4. Event Tracking

Correct Answer: Event Tracking

What feature would be used to collect how many times users downloaded a product catalog? Events are user interactions with content other than page loads. For example, video plays, form submissions, links clicks, and downloads are all parts of events. 

Before understanding how many times users can download a product catalog, you need to know in detail about Google Analytics events tracking in details. Then, you can understand the three elements of event tracking.

On the other hand, an event hit consists of a value for each component, and these values are viewed in your reports. Components are:

  • Value – The value is an integer and is used to assign a numerical value to a page object.
  • Label – You can provide further data for events that you are willing to analyze with labels. 
  • Action – You require an action parameter to name the type of interaction or event you want to rank for a specific web object. 
  • Category – A category is a name that you supply as a way to group objects that you want to examine.

What Feature Would Be Used To Collect How Many Times Users Downloaded A Product Catalog?

The answer to your question, “What feature would be used to collect how many times users downloaded a product catalog?” is Event Tracking. This tracking enables you to record all kinds of activities users are performing. 

The presence of events is important in order to know what to record in a tracking code. The above described are the four components of event tracking that are available in Google Analytics.

In this, you can record user interactions with several web elements such as menu system driven. When the event reports on your website, the components of event tracking can be applied to know specifically what the user is involved with on your page. 

The action, value, label, and category attributes are replaced by the values that you decide to enter. Google Analytics Event Tracking is the most useful feature that enables you to record cooperations with elements of your site.

A Definitive Guide To Event Tracking

Definitive Guide To Event Tracking

An Event Tracking is a process that is present in Google Analytics and lets you user interactions with numerous web elements. You can perform this by attaching a piece of code to an element in the site. 

Besides, there are various requirements for successful event tracking, and these requirements are described below:

  • Adopt a clear and consistent naming conversion. A category or an action is treated as a different element in the report statistics.
  • Work with your report user in order to prepare your event tracking reports. At the same time, you need to have a clear picture of the image that will structure your event tracking.
  • Predetermine all the elements that you are willing to track. Determine these elements beforehand and also the number of events tracked.

How To Fix Google Analytics Event Tracking?

Fix Google Analytics Event Tracking

You need to set up auto event tracking depending on the tracking parameters for your events, the level of control, and the number of events you would like to track.

Now, if you have many page elements and documents, then it is worth utilizing auto event tagging. This will fire on the:

  • On submission of a form
  • After a particular visit duration 
  • Clicks on the type of page element
  • When users click on links. 

What Can Google Analytics Event Tracking Be Applied For?

Event tracking can be applied to estimate visitor engagement on your site in different ways. Some of the best ways for event tracking are described below:

i). Collecting data about how many users filled in and submitted a form. 

ii). Monitoring the clicks on unique elements of a page, such as a call to action, contact us, and about us.

iii). Tracing exactly where users drop off when filling in fields on your checkouts or forms. 

iv). Measuring exactly with video content, such as time spent watching a video.

v). Tracking PDF and other media downloads.

vi). Knowing how many users clicked on click to call phone numbers and mail to email addresses. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What Is Event Tracking In Google Analytics?

Ans: Google Analytics Event Tracking is a useful feature that enables you to report interactions with elements of your website. You can set up this by using Google Tag Manager.

2. What Are The Three Elements Of Event Tracking?

Ans: The three elements of event tracking are label, action, and category. This is a method available in Google Analytics.

3. How Do You Track An Event?

Ans: You can track an event by using Google Tag Manager. You can also take the help of the _trackEvent() method in the source code.

4. How Do I Check Google Analytics Event Tracking?

Ans: The best way to check Google Analytics event tracking is to trigger the event yourself. Another way to track is by clicking Behavior in the sidebar and scrolling down to Events

The Final Verdict 

Event tracking is the best answer to your question, “What feature would be used to collect how many times users downloaded a product catalog?” The above-described information is the best reason why you should consider Google Analytics event tracking.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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