What Channel Is Not Included In The Default Channels Report?

Google by  Rashmi 07 September 2021 Last Updated Date: 05 June 2024

What Channel Is Not Included In The Default Channels Report?

What channel is not included in the default channels report?

  • Organic Search
  • Display
  • Direct
  • Device channel

Answer: Device channel


The default channel system is reflecting the current analytical view. In a word, you can call it the default channel system as the market evolves. The channel definitions are case-sensitive. The default channel systems are organic search, display, direct, advertising, etc. 

Among these four options, only the device is not included in the default channel report.

When you are searching for the answer to what channel is not included in the default channels report. You have to start with the definition of the Google Analytics channels. Google Analytics has automatically categorized the traffic to your website based on how people are going to reach your website.

Relation to Other Default Channels!

There are several other channels in Google Analytics that are together for a specific purpose. For example, for the origin of traffic, search engines are significant while mediums are another channel that helps keep the data organic. Now, if you ask, why are these important, you must read the blog to understand the significance and inter-relation of the default acquisition channels

These default channels also help in creating a direction that regards to hell Shafique can be brought to your website. It is also important to have certain common factors which in turn relate to how a website works. So after coming from another source, the website receives the traffic that is directed to it.

When your URL address is typed, it is these default channels that show people how specific websites work. Of course, there are existing bookmark that helps lead viewers to your website. You also cannot forget that Google Analytics helps in establishing a campaign that along with a direct link through text messages, business communication platforms like Slack, and personal, emails.

How Are The Channels Producing The Analytics Report?

These Google analytics channels are helping you to identify the parameters by which people are going to find your website. When you want to evaluate and understand the contents of your advertisement quality, these default channel reports are always going to help you. When you are developing the Google Analytics channel reports, the first thing that comes to your mind is how these channel reports will help you. The essential part is through the channel reports what you will get.

A maximum of the advertisers are targeting, driving more traffic to the website. More traffic means more business, and more people are going to visit your website. Without good traffic, your product branding and promotions are not going to work. And for understanding the actual performances of the advertisements. The Google analytical report is the only way that can give you a precise idea of where your viewers are visiting your websites.

The channels segregate the reports, and when you are using the default channels options in your reports, you will see through which channel the viewers are showing interest in your products and services.

Why Are Google Analytics Channel Reports Important?

The device channel is the answer for what channel is not included in the default channels report. But when you want to produce more authentic target-driven advertisements, Google Analytics is the report that is the only way by which you are going to achieve the target. That means you have to understand by which way the viewers are searching your content and the advertisements. And which way the viewers are reaching up to your promotions.

Like the sources and the medium of Google Analytics, the channel reports of Google Analytics describe the authorities and the origin of the medium where your viewers will reach your advertisements.

Here are the advantages of the analytics channels reports.

  • Whenever you create the advertisements, your primary target should understand the sources where the viewers will reach your website. This skill set is the prime skill set of digital marketers. However, this is becoming a more manageable task when you are using the channel reports to evaluate the performances of your creating advertisements.
  • When you are using paid advertisements, this will be counted in the referral channels. When you check the reports of the referral channels, you will understand how your banner is performing, and the most important part is where you get the maximum number of audiences.

What did We Learn from the Reports?

At times, the traffic is identified! It is usually when the numbers are quite high. That is when another channel of Google Analytics called organic search helps in referring all this traffic from users to a search engine results page. Of course is your efforts help in improving the overall organic visibility of a website, especially in search engines such as Bing and Google.

When we are talking about affiliation and cross-networking, the default channel helps you with a lot. It is an important application where proper tagging and campaigns ensure that the traffic is categorized properly. It also helps in linking Google marketing platform products to Jeeye. Therefore, it ensures that the Google campaigns are automatically categorized.

The official action also drives specific traffic from a site in exchange for a fee. So when you are working towards creating a set approach in Google Analytics, it is important that you do it through a medium.

Different Default Google Analytics Channels

You know the device channel is the answer for what channel is not included in the default channels report. But do you know which parameters are counting as the default Google analytical channel parameters? Some of the channels are paid, and some of the parameters you will get by default.

When you are using this default channel, the performance of your advertisements evaluations is becoming more accurate and straightforward. In addition, whenever you know from which channel your viewers are going to reach your website, your next advertisement creation planning becomes easier and target-driven.

Here is the list of the channels which you will get by default.

  • Organic Search-How your advertisement is going to reach your audiences. Organic search or paid search.
  • Social-From which social media channel are you getting maximum responses from the audiences?
  • Email-You are circulating the email for faster responses. An email channel gives you the idea from the email responses how many of the viewers are getting turned into sales.
  • Direct- Analyze the traffic report where no medium is specified.
  • Affiliates- How much traffic is coming through the affiliated links and the affiliated medium?
  • This medium specifically evaluates how the referral links are working from which referral medium you are getting the maximum number of audiences.
  • Paid Search Medium- This medium gives you the report for the paid search medium. And generate the reports where the CPC and the PPC.
  • Other Advertising-This channel evaluates the results of the other advertising channel where you redirect the traffic.
  • Display- This channel shows you exactly; it matches the contents. The medium will display the exactly matched CPM and the banner contents.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Google Analytics?

When learning about Google Analytics, it is important to understand what it complies with! The overall pros and cons help in integrating technical support because there are complexities in the way the websites are dealt with. There are also several redundancies and limitations.


  • The first pro is that it is completely free! You do not have to pay anything to use it.
  • The second advantage is that people worldwide use this so there is no risk of concern or scams.
  • The reports of Google Analytics are all out of the box! The reports can create customized approaches to different case requirements.


  • One of the major issues that you might face when working with Google Analytics is that migrating from Google Universal Analytics is not easy.
  • The second issue is that the interface changes between Google Analytics and Universal are major. This creates concerns for a lot of users.
  • The third issue is the reporting is based on limited data. At times, it might not be efficient about Google services.

Wrapping It Up:

Among these default Google analytics, what channel is not included in the default channels report? Every track in the lists consists of the default settings of Google Analytics. The organic search, display, and direct channels are included in the device channel parameters.

Only the device channels do not have the default channel settings in Google Analytics. So, which channels are you using to evaluate the performance of the Google advertisement? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comments section.

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Rashmi Chaudhuri a passionate traveler and the natural beauty trends concerning the professional content writer. She loves writing about beauty, travel, animals, sports, and health. She is a freelance writer who loves to write SEO-friendly contents about these topics with expert writing skills.

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