How to Create Authority in Your Niche

Business by  Mashum Mollah 01 November 2021


Trust is everything. If customers distrust you, there’s almost zero chance they’ll work with you. If, on the other hand, they believe you are the ultimate authority figure in the industry, you’re going to earn their business over and over again.

Why Authority Matters

Why Authority Matters

Approximately 59 percent of shoppers say they prefer buying products from brands they trust (as opposed to brands they know nothing about). Thus, when it comes to building and growing a successful company, cultivating authority is a must.

“Brand authority is essentially defined as how your consumers see your brand in terms of its reputation, as well as the trust that it has earned overall,” explains. “For example, a brand that has good authority is generally well-known amongst consumers, is trusted (such as where new products are concerned), and is also seen as a specialist in its niche.”

Authority goes before you. Even before you establish a relationship with a customer, your authority in the marketplace says something about your brand. A high level of authority gives you a trustworthy reputation. A lack of authority, on the other hand, raises major questions in the customer’s mind.

Tips for Establishing Authority

Tips for Establishing Authority

There’s no perfect formula for establishing authority. There are, however, plenty of proven principles that can be mixed and matched to create the desired result. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Start a Podcast

Podcasting is one of the most popular forms of content around. It’s also one of the least saturated (at least when compared to blogging, YouTube, social media, etc.). And while it’s easy to feel like you’ve missed the podcasting “boat,” we’ll eventually look back at 2021-2022 as the infancy of podcasting. The boat is still on the shore and there’s still time to get on before it sets sail.

Podcasting is so effective because it’s a highly personal medium. When someone listens to your podcast, you have a captive audience. This gives you a chance to position yourself/brand as an authority on subject matters related to your customer’s problems, hopes, and dreams.

In order to be successful with podcasting, you must be consistent. The podcasting algorithms favor consistency and recency. If you’re pushing out fresh, engaging content on a weekly basis, you’re going to outperform those who haven’t posted content in a year (which is most podcasts).

 2. Write a Book

The second suggestion is to write a book. Yes, as in writing an actual book. If that sounds impossible, suspend your disbelief and give it a try. It’s a whole lot easier to write a book today than it was 20 to 30 years ago.

Thanks to DIY self-publishing platforms and online book printing services, you can write a manuscript, throw it into a piece of software, and have books printed on-demand at just several dollars per copy. You can then use these books as glorified business cards.

If you’re intimidated by the thought of writing hundreds of pages, you’ll be glad to know that the definition of writing a book has changed. You no longer need 250 to 300 pages. You can write a 75-page book with charts and graphs and it’s still a book. You can even outsource the writing to someone using an online freelance marketplace. The same goes for the cover design and book title. You can be as involved (or uninvolved) as you’d like.

Related Reads: Customer Segmentation Types

 3. Secure Speaking Gigs

Public speaking is often ranked as one of the top fears for people. And while you may be intimidated, it’s a great opportunity for cultivating authority. The fact that other entrepreneurs and business owners are too afraid to do it gives you an opening to be the public face and voice of your niche.

Finding speaking gigs isn’t as hard as you might think – many will even pay you to speak in front of their audiences (which makes it even more valuable). Choose gigs that put you in front of potential business partners and/or customers who fit into your target audience.

Putting it All Together

When you have authority, you have trust. And when you have trust, customers are more willing to make purchases and recommend you to their friends and family. Make it a goal over the next 90 days to increase authority using at least one of the methods highlighted in this article.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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