Data Quality Management for Business: How to Do It Right

Business by  Mashum Mollah 12 October 2019

data quality management

Data is powerful, making it crucial in the success of today’s businesses. Better data quality will give your business a competitive edge. Organizations must have a proactive approach in data management to ensure quality. This way, it will be more reliable and accurate. Keep on reading and we’ll talk about the best practices for data quality management.

1. Use a Customer Data Platform

There are various tools that you can use for managing quality data, and one of the best is a customer data platform. A CDP is crucial for making data-driven marketing decisions. It collects and merges information from different sources. With a unified data presentation, it enables better marketing campaigns.

Looking for the best CDP to use in your business? One of the most promising options you might want to consider is Lytics.

2. Consider Security Measures

Data is vulnerable to attacks, so you have to implement robust security measures. For the best approach to data security, one of the most important is to build a strong firewall. The use of anti-virus software also helps but doing this on its own will not be enough. Having strong passwords and multi-factor authentication is also effective in protecting data.

3. Gather Only Relevant Data

Data can be overwhelming, so you have to picky about what to gather. Collect only information that will be relevant to the business. Otherwise, quality and security can suffer. There are tech-advanced tools that you can use to ensure that you are gathering only useful information from your sources.

4. Prevent Duplicity

Duplication is one of the most important concerns you need to address when it comes to data quality management. Duplication often happens when it comes to collecting e-mails and contact numbers, which are crucial for marketing. It can be more expensive for the company and can also confuse marketing automation tools. It is crucial to have trigger alerts to prevent recoding data that is already present.

5. Improve Communication

To make the most out of data in your business, communication is essential. When there is weak communication, data quality can suffer. Miscommunication can be costly and can compromise the integrity of data. There should be a well-defined information flow to make the most out of data.

6. Hire the Right People

It is also important that you hire professionals to help in your data management endeavors. They have the skills and knowledge to help you make sense of available information. They can also help create long-term data strategies. Especially for large businesses, it is impossible to discount the role of data scientists. They have analytical and technical skills that will help organizations solve complex problems.

From the right platform to the right people, this article talked about some of the best approaches to data quality management in organizations. Doing these things will be instrumental in having the right data that will be critical in making better business decisions.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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