Should You Consolidate Your Debts or Not? Four Ways That Can Help You Decide

Finance by  Mashum Mollah 04 December 2019 Last Updated Date: 13 July 2022

debt consolidation

Do you often have a headache due to the piling amount of debts that you need to pay each month? Are you tired of receiving calls from financial institutions asking you to pay off your loans? Then now is the perfect time to consider debt consolidation.

Individuals and families need not worry about how they can arrange the finances to pay off or consolidate the debts. In recent years, there have been several credible new financial companies that are offering helpful consolidation solutions. Make sure that you explore the credibility of the institution along with comparing the interest rates that are on offer.

Debt consolidation allows you to pay off your debts and liabilities. It works by combining all of your debts into a single loan. You can enjoy lower monthly payments, lower interest fees, or both. Some even allow you to pay off your debts faster and improve your credit score. By working with a legal money lender in Singapore, you can shuffle your debts around so that you can quickly pay them off. Debt consolidation may seem like a big change: with a particular lump sum money to owe, you’re no longer trying to wait on top of various creditors, you aren’t avoiding deadlines and there isn’t the concern of steep interest charges increasing.

Various people striving with debt, other possibilities have also freed up that can perform as a form of debt consolidation also. These choices can combine a Debt Management Program, a debt release option that combines all your unsecured debt into an affordable regularly payment, or a Consumer Proposal which compresses and decreases your debt. While a Debt Management Program is a totally private and secret option for those people who are striving with their money, a Consumer Proposal is a fair process and form of poverty that should only be regarded as the last option.

It is important to note that debt consolidation also has its disadvantages. Since you’re combining your debts, this means that you will now owe a single moneylender instead of a different institution. You can end up with higher interest and more debts than in the first place if you’re not careful. Wonder if consolidating your debts is the best financial move you can make?

Take note of the following tips:

Decide which debts you wish to consolidate


The first step in consolidating debts is to decide which of these debts you want to combine. Do you have different credit cards that you need to pay off asap? Do you have a pending personal loan, or maybe you want to get rid of your student loan? By getting rid of student debt fast you´ll be seeing big savings, more flexibility in your budget, and financial peace of mind. Create a list and prioritize those that are urgent. Compute the total amounts of your debts and how much the monthly dues and interest rates are. These will be the debts that you should consider.

If debt consolidation isn’t done correctly, it can be the main risk. When you pass all of the debts of your credit cards and store them onto a personal card or different loan, you efficiently free up many dollars in your purse.

Choose from several financing options

There are different financing options available that can help you consolidate your debts. The most common one is debt consolidation loans. These are only for combining all your debts. Home equity loans are for homeowners with good credit. You will need to have enough equity in your home as your house will be your collateral for the loan. Signature loans, on the other hand, allow you to borrow around $10,000. You can also consider balance transfer credit cards. These are great for consolidating higher-rate credit cards. Weigh in their pros and cons.

Shop for moneylenders


One mistake to avoid is to settle on a single lender. Take note that different financial institutions offer various financing options. Ask your family and friends if they can recommend one that offers excellent services, fast turnover time, and low-interest rates. Check their online reviews and talk to one of their representatives. Don’t forget to ask how much interest rate they charge and what your monthly payment will be if you avail of any of their loan options.

Compare and weigh in your options

After finalizing your list of lenders and financing options, it is time to crunch some numbers. Compare if the rates in consolidating your debts prove to be smaller than what you currently need to pay each month. If not, then it would be best to negotiate with your current lenders. If you can find a lender and a financing option that helps you get the lower interest and monthly payment rates, then consolidating your debts can be the best choice.

It is important to note that consolidating debts is not for everyone. However, you can use this method to pay off your financial liabilities and lessen your problems. When deciding between consolidating your debts or not, make sure to keep this list in mind. This can help you decide which will be the best move to help you pay your debts.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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