Do Non-Denominational Churches Have Communion?

Religion by  Sumona 01 November 2022

Non-Denominational Churches

In order to know the depth of this topic, it is important to know the basics like what communion is, how it is practiced, who practices it and why, etc.

After which the essence of the answer will make much more sense.

So, here we go.

What is Communion & How it is Practiced?

It is a common practice in a Christian church. This practice is carried on from the earliest times. However, the two items or elements which are necessary – are wine and bread. So,

Who Practices Communion and Why?

Christians follow it for the fact that Jesus asked people to follow it as a ritual. In fact, Christ asked Christians to do it to remember his existence.

The main concept of the following communion is to rest belief on the renewal. Mostly and usually churches offer communion to the members of the church.

However, a small number of churches don’t practice this core concept of communion.

Concept of christianity. close up of hand praying holding a jesus christ black cross background

This very concept of some churches not offering communions triggers a question:

Do Non-Denominational Churches Offer Communion?

The simplest answer to this question is, yes. This concept is pretty much prevalent in non-denominational churches. However, it is true that a non-denominational church is based on an evangelical approach and has conservative theology.

Since for the non-denominational church and the belief systems, everything revolves around the theological framework, communions mean a lot to them. To them, communion is pretty symbolic.

Why do members of the church opt for grape juice or wine along with bread? Well, the answer to it is simple; it helps the worshipers to recall how Jesus was crucified. That is how non-denominational churches and belief systems work – by recalling Jesus with communions.

On the other hand, non-denominational churches accept and practice communion, there are many churches in the non-denomination that practice it differently. So, to say that all non-denominational churches have the same kind of communion will be totally wrong.

The reality is different. Communions are practiced in non-denominational settings weekly and sometimes monthly. There is no hard and fast rule for practicing communion.

How Communion is Practiced in Non-Denominational Churches?

In non-denominational churches, the pastor is the one who allows and prefers ushers to pass food and drink (wine and bread) to the pews. On the contrary, some church authorities serve wine and bread to the members of the church, individually. This difference in communion is observed in non-denominational churches.

Non-Denominational Church’s Belief About Communion

Some Christians don’t feel the same about communions as non-denominational churches do. Why is it so? What makes them so skeptical about communions? How can it be changed? Well, we will try to answer these questions in this section.

First of all, there could be many reasons for the disagreement about communion. The first reason for it can be about biblical passages which discuss communion, also called “Lord’s Supper”.

Communion actually has a history. It is said that communion was the last supper Jesus had in the company of the disciples. There is an incident in the Gospels which is mentioned repeatedly.

Silhouette of human hand holding bible and cross, the background is the sunrise

There is another incident mentioned in 1 Corinthians. Those incidents symbolized bread as the body of Jesus eaten by his disciples. However, the blood that the disciples drank or are drinking is Jesus’ blood.

Years and centuries passed but Christians never took blood and bread on the true meaning. For them, it is neither literal nor metaphorical. These are just statements with zero implication and authenticity.

Jesus on the other hand only commanded to practice communion. Today, denominational churches are not sure whether Lord’s Supper should be practiced or not. But when it comes to non-denominational churches and belief systems, communion is a must.

Indeed, there are several other implications and reasons why communions should not be practiced in any form.



Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in EmblemWealth

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