Free Ways To Put Your English To Use Online

Education by  Mashum Mollah 23 November 2020


Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had all the time and money in the world that you wanted? Maybe that would make mastering English much easier? I’d say that it wouldn’t, and here’s the reason why! Despite having money to splurge and time to waste, it isn’t easy to improve your English.

Thank goodness for the internet then, as it offers numerous ways to study English without much expenditure or hogging up all your time.

In fact, most of the free English resources you can find online are great for helping you to study. Better yet, no study schedule is needed for the resources found online, and you can study English at your own pace and time, leaving your usual schedule untouched. Those who prefer taking in-person classes or guided courses, however, can enroll in english school singapore. It may not be free, but you’ll get the best learning experience and the opportunity to practice with other English learners!

Make use of the English materials found online for ESL Students

Though it’s best to study with other people when it comes to languages, this is only true for writing and speaking. These are “productive” skills as you produce the language. However, other parts of learning English such as listening and reading which are more “receptive” are more suited to self-study.

Use these online materials which can be found for free to help you do so!

Listening and Reading Practices is a great site for listening to conversational English. Conversations within the site are found in a variety of accents, unlike the typical native accent found on most other sites.

One of the most famous English listening practices, TED Talks is a collection of various monologues (a type of speech with a solo speaker). The immense popularity of TED among English learners has even led to a dedicated site for ESL students at TEDxESL.

ESL students who are not yet capable of reading regular newspapers can give the Bangkok-based S Weekly a go. This site contains regular news reporting which has been dumbed down for the ESL learner standard.

English articles that have been edited and made easier are available at English Online and Breaking News English. These sites are excellent for learners looking to start with easy texts for reading.

Mobile Apps can be used for 24/7 practice

Over the past 10 years, mobile apps that teach English have gained much traction. They allow you to study English on the go using your phone or tablet.

Amongst these, one of the more popular apps is Duolingo. Free-of-charge to use, Duolingo offers courses with an emphasis on reading, writing, and listening skills.

Fluent U is another great app to consider. English is taught through the use of real-world videos, including talk-shows, music videos, and commercials that are sure to keep you laughing. Interactive subtitles within the videos allow learners to tap on unfamiliar words to get a definition and contextual examples of how it can be used.

Enroll in a MOOC

Wondering what a MOOC is? It’s not the latest game available on the market, nor is it a little-known swear. Instead, this is an abbreviation for the phrase Massive Open Online Course.

MOOCs are courses that allow an infinite number of students to join an online class. Such courses are usually free to enroll in and are taught by actual teachers. They communicate with students via the use of message boards, pre-recorded lectures, and live broadcasts.

are taught by real teachers who communicate with students through online MOOC message boards, pre-recorded video lectures, and a limited number of live web broadcasts.

One of the best sites online is Coursera. With a variety of courses on offer, learners can choose to rush through a course or take it slow and steady as they wish. Instructional videos and exercises are available with most courses to allow for a testing of your understanding.

Network with other learners

Remember how we said that when learning languages, it’s best to study with other people? Network with millions of other English learners and talk to each other!

Major ESL websites such as The English Club forums and ESL Cafe forums often have message boards where learners can do so. For learners preparing for English exams, head over to the Urch TOEFL forum or the IELTS Network message board instead, which are more targeted to exam-takers.

Using social media is also another way to go. Of the various social media sites out there, Facebook has the most number of active users. You’re sure to be able to find a page or group that suits you. If you can’t access Facebook, consider the alternative, VK. Based in Russia, where English is not a native language, there are various avenues to network with English learners such as through book clubs, conversation groups, and even platforms to find an English teacher.

Watch TV, Catch Movies or Listen to Music


Entertainment offerings are aplenty from the main “native English” speaking countries in North America, Europe, and Australia! There’s surely something that you enjoy amidst the wide range of offerings.

Television shows and movies

Love English TV or entertainment websites? Why not head to Youtube to practice your English? Youtube is a treasure trove of full-length movies, TV series, and music videos with subtitles available.

If you cannot access Youtube, consider alternatives such as Dailymotion or Vimeo.

Entertainment news

Using entertainment as a source to practice your English? Don’t forget about celebrities and big-shots.

Entertainment Weekly, People Magazine, and E! News are just some of the entertainment news sites out there which give you English reading and listening practice.

Watched a show you liked on Youtube or heard an especially touching song? Why not discuss it with other people over at or Popjustice forums? Take this chance to promote your favorite bands and celebrities.

Regardless of your socio-economic status and the amount of time you have available,  the internet is the best resource for easily accessible English practice that is absolutely free.

English practice


Now that you know about these resources, your wallet will surely thank you! Learn English at a time of your convenience, and still be able to maintain your regular schedule.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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