Frugal Habits: Practical Ways to Lower Your Monthly Expenses

Lifestyle by  Mashum Mollah 19 January 2021

Frugal Habits

Every time you get paid, isn’t it strange how it’s gone in the blink of an eye? This instance is due to having more money going out than we have to come in… This is also the story of everyone’s life. But this doesn’t have to be a constant occurrence in your life either. Taking control over your finances is going to be the only way you can financially thrive.

So how do you do that? Well, just like getting good at anything, it takes practice. This isn’t going to be easy because you’re accustomed to living a certain lifestyle. But the lifestyle you’re living can’t be much that you’d want to hold on to if you’re broke as soon as you get paid… So why not try something different?

In living the life you’re living, from a financial standpoint, you may very well be experiencing financial anxiety and not even realize it. People tend to think that financial anxiety is simply being stressed about money or overspending, but just as overspending is a form of financial anxiety, so is being overly frugal to the point you can’t enjoy life.

The point is that there is so much more to life, and if you feel that you need to make more money to live the life you want, you’ll never be satisfied. This article is to teach you how to make do with what you have and how certain changes to your lifestyle can result in positive changes in your wallet.

If you’re looking to save on your monthly expenses, follow these tips.

Ways to Cut Back On Your Monthly Expense to Live a More Frugal Lifestyle

Switch to Solar Power

Solar Power

Aside from helping preserve the environment, could there be more reasons to switch to solar power? How about the fact that it helps you save on your monthly electric bill!

If you live in a house, you do have the option to have solar panels installed, but what about those who live in apartments and rental properties that won’t allow solar panels to be installed? Can they not reap the benefits of solar power?

This is when joining a shared solar initiative comes to save the environment and the day! By joining a shared solar initiative, you’re eliminating the use of fossil fuels to power your home and instead utilizing the sun’s energy to power your home, which comes in abundance. This is why your electric bill is able to be considerably lower because it comes from a renewable resource.

You simply visit to sign up.

Ditch the Morning Coffee Runs

Morning Coffee

Do you know that there are people with Keurigs and coffee machines at home but will still spend money at Starbucks and gas stations to grab a hot cup of coffee on the way to work? If you’re one of those people, stop that. The excuse is typical that they don’t wake up in enough time to make a pot of coffee in the morning and it’s just easier to stop on the way.

Well, that ease and convenience of “stopping on the way” is the very thing cutting into your paycheck. If you say you don’t have time to make coffee in the morning, that should be a signal to you to simply wake up earlier to make coffee. It doesn’t have to be significantly earlier but if waking up 10 minutes earlier than normal will get you the fuel you need in the morning without having to spend $3 to $7 on coffee, it’s definitely worth it… You won’t believe how fast those coffee runs add up.

Cook More

This is another monthly expense that shouldn’t even be counted as a monthly expense. But the money you spend on eating out can quickly add up to the amount of a sizable bill if you’re not careful. Grabbing lunch on lunch breaks, fast-food runs after a night of partying, and ordering take-out when you don’t feel like cooking are all things that eat your money up.

Consider taking the amount of money you would normally spend on take-out and put it towards groceries and making meals out of it. Not only will you have more food and meals to last you throughout the month but you’ll see just how easy it is to make the foods you love so much from restaurants at home, and how much less you’re spending!

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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