6 Memory Help Tips To Boost Your Brain Power

Health & Fitness by  Mashum Mollah 12 November 2020 Last Updated Date: 11 January 2021

Brain Power

Memory loss isn’t a normal part of aging, as opposed to what our cultures lead us to believe. This could be why more than half of all the people experiencing memory loss don’t report it to a healthcare professional. Memory loss is also quite common; it happens to 1 in 9 adults aged 45 years old and above.

If you or someone you know is experiencing this, know that you can slow it down with some memory help. Learn how to improve recall by following our tips below.

Here are 6 Memory Help Tips To Boost Your Brain Power:

1. Do Some Brain Training

Like the body, your brain needs some exercise to keep itself functional and sharp. The more you exercise it, the healthier it is.

Unfortunately, mindless scrolling through social media isn’t an exercise. Passive activities like watching TV isn’t a good exercise for the brain, either. Check below to learn how to improve memory and concentration.



A good brain exercise stimulates it, so it should be challenging and rewarding. Puzzles, therefore, are some of the best exercises for your brain.

Research backs this up. Studies show that doing jigsaw puzzles exercises multiple cognitive abilities. It makes sense, considering you have to look at smaller pieces and figure out where they fit within the larger picture.

About any kind of puzzle is good for the brain, though. There’s sudoku, the word puzzle in newspapers, pattern guessing, and so on. Riddles are a type of puzzle, too.

Card Games

Card Games

Brain exercises don’t have to be a drawl. It can be something you enjoy, too. Playing card games is an example.

Card games can increase your brain volume, improving your thinking and memory skills. It’s not surprising, as many card games require a lot of thinking and strategizing.

Find some card games online or try to get your friends on board for card game nights. Try games like best fps aim trainer, poker, hearts, crazy eights, and such. When you’re alone, solitaire would do.

New Language

New Language

Learning a new language increases the gray matter volume in the brain. This indicates a healthier brain.

It also affects the integrity of the white matter. This ensures that messages still travel fast across nerves to the brain.

Due to these benefits, a second language can strengthen the memory skills of a brain. It also delays the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.

It has the added benefit of connecting to a whole new group of people. You can then communicate with them effectively, learn their culture, and more. It will widen your perspective in life as you get involved with more people with different backgrounds.

New Skill

Learning a new skill also provides your brain with a new challenge to work on. This is the best opportunity for you to take up something you’ve always wanted to learn.

Want to learn how to play the guitar? Maybe you’re interested to grow your vegetables in the backyard. Or, you may want to learn how to make software.

Whatever it is you’re interested in, now’s the time to go through with it. You don’t even have to spend on classes as there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube.

Going to a class, though, will at least offer you structured learning. You’ll get to socialize, too.



Music has a positive effect on the brain. That’s why a simple exercise of listening to it can help you boost your brainpower and creativity.

This means you can turn on some feel-good beats to play in the background while doing something you’ll need creativity for, such as drawing, designing, and so on.

It has a positive effect even when you’re doing some chores or nothing at all. A bonus is that your mood perks up due to the happy music, and you get energized, as well.

2. Do Some Physical Exercise Too

Physical exercise doesn’t only make your bones and muscles strong. It also protects your brain from degeneration and cognitive decline.

Do some exercises that increase your heart rate. This, in turn, increases blood flow to all areas, including the brain.

Incorporate running, swimming, and similar activities into your routine. Cardio at home is achievable, too, thanks to exercise videos.

This has the added benefit of keeping you at a healthy weight. It will remove one risk factor for cognitive decline: high body mass index.

Obesity can impact memory in many ways.

One: it can alter memory-associated genes. Two: it can lead to inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which can damage the brain. Three: it’s associated with higher risks for Alzheimer’s disease.

You can do physical activities other than exercise, too. Try the following:



If you love dancing, you’re about to love it even more. Did you know that dancing helps with increasing your brain’s memory and processing speed?

Go and dance your heart out on the dance floor.

You can even do it at home alone. Find a YouTube video of some dance moves to your favorite song. Look for tutorials and start with the easy dance steps, then work your way up.

If you like dancing with a group, take some classes near you. You have a variety of styles to choose from – from salsa to hip-hop. You may even join a Zumba class in your gym or at the park.

This is good exercise, too; at the least, you won’t stay sitting around.


You don’t always have to be active to keep your physical and mental health in tip-top shape, though. Sometimes, what you need is to sit down and clear your mind.

There’s more to meditation than that, though, so make sure you read up on proper meditation first.

What this does is increase the gray matter in the brain. It counteracts the decline as an effect of aging. Keeping this healthy can improve your memory.

Meditation is also good for your stress, blood pressure, and many more, too.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Like we said above, you don’t always have to be active. You need to sleep, too.

Sleep is an important part of brain health; it’s when memory consolidation happens. It’s the process of turning short-term memories into long-term memories.

When you’re sleep-deprived, you also deprive your brain of this important time. This impacts both your short- and long-term memory.

Mind you, this isn’t the only process that happens when you’re asleep. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure to get enough sleep each night.

For adults, experts recommend getting around 7 to 9 hours of sleep. This benefits more than your brain. It’s beneficial for your health as a whole, too.

4. Eat the Right Foods

Your diet is a large part of your mental health, too. Here are examples of foods that can improve and maintain your memory.

Less Sugar

Sugar is hard to avoid as it’s present in a lot of foods and drinks today. However, it might be time to start avoiding it if you want to keep your memory sharp. Your daily Starbucks treat may be hurting your memory.

In 2017, a study found links between sugary drinks and Alzheimer’s Disease. Those who often indulge themselves in such drinks have a lower total brain volume. This is an early symptom of the dreaded disease.

This is a good enough reason on top of its other benefits to avoid extra sugar. Limit your intake of sweets, including cakes, candies, soft drinks, and even juice.

Note, however, that this doesn’t include natural sugars, such as those found in fruits. These are healthy additions to your diet.

Less Refined Carbs

Speaking of sugar, you should also pay attention to your blood sugar levels. This can also damage your brain.

Eating refined carbs can lead to a spike in blood sugar because they have a higher glycemic index. Our body processes these foods faster.

If you want to keep your memory intact for a long time, replace the refined carbs with healthier options. Remove white rice, noodles, instant food, and fast food.

Go for brown rice, quinoa, potatoes, and such instead.

Low Calories

High-calorie diets aren’t only bad for your physical health, but it’s also bad for your brain. It can impair memory, which might be due to the inflammation it causes in the brain.


Caffeine might be good for both short- and long-term memory. This is another good reason for that cup of coffee every morning, although you can get caffeine from other sources, too, like green tea.

Drinking caffeine not only helps you store memory in the brain. But, it also helps you recall information. This can be pretty useful for exams or on any occasion at all.

But, remember that there’s always too much of a good thing.

Dark Chocolate

You’ll also be happy to know that dark chocolate may help with brain function, too. This is thanks to the cocoa flavonoids, the active compounds in chocolate.

These compounds increase the blood flow to the brain. This boosts memory and other brain functions.

However, make sure it has high cacao content. Remember that sugar intake also interferes with memory and not in a good way. That means your usual chocolate treats aren’t good enough.

Look for at least 72% cacao content. See if there’s no added sugar, as well.

Less Alcohol

Sugary drinks aren’t the only things you should cut out. Alcohol is also bad for you in more ways than one.

Aside from the obvious dangers of alcohol, it can also harm your memory. It alters the brain and can cause memory deficits.

Drink alcohol in moderation. Occasional drinking shouldn’t be an issue. However, avoid binge drinking.

5. Get More Organized

You can also help yourself remember things more easily. Another thing you can change is the way you organize your life.

First, clean your spaces and remove clutter. You’re more likely to forget things if there’s too much visual noise to take in. Take the time to find organization solutions for your home, car, and office among others.

Create a space for all your clutter so they stay out of view. But, you have to keep them organized in a way that you’ll remember where everything is later on.

Organize your life, too. Keep a journal, planner, or anything that will help you remember stuff and events.

Keep in mind that organization tips on the internet are only suggestions. Don’t stress yourself out when something doesn’t work for you – stress also hurts the brain. Find something that works for you.

6. Take Supplements for Memory Help

You can further get memory helped by taking supplements. There are certain supplements to maintain your cognitive strength, like Neuronol Memory Supplement.

Many supplements like this one have other benefits, too. Aside from improving your memory, they also boost your concentration, improve analytical thinking, and more. They’re great for supporting your overall brain function.

Fish oil supplements can also slow down mental decline. Fish oil can improve memory and reverse memory loss to some degree. The omega-3 fatty acids also reduce inflammation, which you know by now to have a role in memory loss and cognitive decline.

Remember to talk with your doctor first before taking any supplements, though. It’s better to be careful, especially when you’re on other medications.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is quite common, which puts a large portion of the population at risk for faster cognitive decline. Those with lower levels of Vitamin D are also susceptible to losing their memory faster and developing dementia.

Vitamin D supplements may help you prevent these effects. Still, it’s better if you talk about it with your doctor first. Get your tests done to see if you need some supplements.

Take Care of Your Memory and Mental Health

Optimal health is having a sound mind and body. Get all the memory help you can get while you’re young so your mind stays sharp and healthy as you age.

Don’t forget to observe your physical health, too. Everything in your body works in synergy to keep you alive as long as possible.

But why stop here? If you need more health and fitness tips like this, feel free to read through our library of health guides right here!

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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