5 Effective Ways to Speed Up Your Fitness Results

Health & Fitness by  Mashum Mollah 03 November 2020 Last Updated Date: 02 February 2022

Fitness Results

Did you know that adults aged 18 to 64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week?

You need to explore workout options that can help you achieve what you want. In recent years, EMS training has emerged as a credible option, especially for leading sportsmen, celebrities and fitness enthusiasts that are looking to speed up their fitness results.

If you’ve been following these recommendations for a while, you might want to take your fitness journey to the next level and today’s article will help you do just that.

Keep reading as we go through five ways you can speed up your fitness results:

1. Use the Appropriate Fitness Equipment

Yes, you can always stick to your regular squats, pushups, or lunges – but one way of boosting your workout results is by increasing the intensity, which you can do by utilizing the right props.

These can be kettlebells, ankle weights, dumbells, weighted medicine balls, and more.

Our suggestion is that you do some research to understand which piece of equipment is the most efficient for each exercise.

2. Be Consistent With Your Workout Routine

When it comes to getting fit, consistency is key, especially if you want to see results fast.

As such, it can be a good idea to create a weekly workout schedule, with a specific series of exercises for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on, that you maintain for a certain period of time.

It’s important that you stick with this schedule, so every time you start making excuses, remember what the goals want to accomplish!

3. Explore the World of Peptides

Just like protein, peptides are made up of amino acids, and they help you shorten your recovery time in between workouts, allowing you to maintain the consistency we just discussed while preventing injuries from occurring.

Additionally, peptides like the one you can view here, help you grow your muscles, build more strength, and even sleep better.

4. Create a Workout Playlist

Any workout aficionado has their own fitness playlist, and if you haven’t created one yet, it’s time to change that.

In fact, a study conducted in 2016 concluded that listening to music while exercising makes high-intensity workouts a lot more enjoyable, which once again, will help you stick to your weekly training routine.

Whether you prefer pop, rock, hip hop, or even classical music: as long as it makes you feel good and energized, go for it.

5. Don’t Be Afraid of Letting a Few Swear Words Out

We know what you’re thinking, “How will swearing help me get fit quickly?”.

Well, it can help more than you think.

Surprisingly, a 2017 study proved that swearing can actually boost your performance by 2 to 4%, and let’s face it, who doesn’t feel like letting out a loud #$@&%*! after doing 50 squats in a row?

Get Your Fitness Results to the Next Level

There’s nothing more satisfying than starting to notice fitness results from your consistent workout routine, and with the tips we listed today, we know you’ll be able to achieve even more than you thought.

if you enjoyed reading this article and want to discover more health tips, make sure to keep exploring the ‘Health & Fitness’ section of our blog!

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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