Why Subutex Is a Good Option for Detoxing from Opioids – Why You NEED to Find Subutex Doctors Near Me!

Health & Fitness by  Ariana Smith 14 December 2021 Last Updated Date: 20 December 2021


Statistics from the World Health Organization(WHO) point that about 36.3 million people in 2019 globally suffered from drug use disorders. The majority of those who depend on opioids use illegally grown and manufactured heroin, but a more significant proportion of those using prescription opioids are rising. Opioids refer to a wide variety of drugs that include heroin and potent prescription pain-relieving drugs like fentanyl, oxycodone, tramadol, and hydrocodone.

What Is Subutex?

What Is Subutex?

Subutex or buprenorphine is a synthetic opioid that is helpful in social, psychological, and medical programs for individuals reliant on opioids or opioid use disorder (OUD). Subutex has an active ingredient known as buprenorphine hydrochloride, which acts as a replacement for opioids and assists patients in withdrawing from opioids over time.

Are you struggling with opioid dependence and looking to detox? Visit the site to know why Subutex is a good option for you:

Subutex Has Milder Withdrawal Symptoms

You don’t have to worry if you are afraid of severe withdrawal symptoms associated with narcotic treatment, such as euphoria. Contact a Subutex doctor near you because not only are the withdrawal effects more tolerable but also milder. Unlike other full opioids like morphine and fentanyl, the buprenorphine in Subutex has a high-affinity binding to the opioid receptors and less dissociation kinetics, hence making the drug more suitable for managing opioid dependence among patients.

Subutex Has a Longer Duration of Action

Less than 20% of Subutex drugs are removed from your body by your kidney. In contrast, the remainder is removed in the stool-owing to this slow action over more extended periods in the body; the drug is recommended for treating opioid dependence. It can be given to you on different days once you are stable after the first dose.

Variety of Ways of Administration

Variety of Ways of Administration

If you are the type that cringes upon seeing injections, you don’t have to worry because that is not the only way to take the drug! Subutex can be administered through various routes, such as under the tongue, whereby you need to place the drug under your tongue and allow it to dissolve while closing your mouth.

It Can Be Prescribed for Outpatients

You can access Subutex without necessarily having to be admitted to a medical facility. Unlike other treatment options such as methadone that are only dispensed under stringent guidelines, your trained doctor, in adherence to drug addiction treatment, will prescribe take-home doses and advise you on essential things like dosage, follow-ups, and so on.

There Is Less Potential for Misuse

When taken as directed by your doctor, the potential to abuse Subutex is greatly minimized, and therefore, the drug is considered safe for opioid use disorder. When taken in combination with naloxone, which is also absorbed, naloxone prevents high intake of Subutex, triggering a withdrawal, hence promoting detoxification from opioid dependence.

Opioid dependence, like any drug dependence, is not an easy journey, but there’s hope! Subutex is a safe drug that is designed to allow you to beat addiction as there is minimal risk of misusing it or getting high, a variety of administration routes, milder withdrawal symptoms, and a longer duration for action.

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Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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