Things to Remember While Purchasing a Laptop

Shopping by  Mashum Mollah 16 June 2021

Things to Remember While Purchasing a Laptop

Deciding on a laptop to purchase takes up more time on scrolling through the internet than you’d imagine. For the amount of research I do, I might as well submit a paper to a university as their student! Well, jokes apart, we all invest much time to ensure we get the best laptop within our budget.

Every person has the requirements they’d want to fulfill when looking for a laptop. An avid gamer would prefer a dynamic processor. An editor would like to have better storage. Different people, different interests! So, what kind of laptop are you looking to purchase? Have a look at these points to help you out,

LTE or WiFi:

LTE or WiFi:

It is the most significant factor anyone would desire to have in their computer. The world is on the internet right now and connecting to it is crucial. A laptop that supports LTE would mean that you can access the internet with your mobile’s data connection. Favor having LTE as well as WiFi connection on your laptop. Most of the devices do come with both options.


The next imperative is your budget. We all know the higher our budget gets, the better options we see. But when you are on a strict budget, it is ideal for you to search for different devices and their specifications. You might have to compromise on one factor or the other when the budget is low. The least expensive are Lenovo laptops that range between $299 – $399 (approx.). Next is Microsoft at around $500 (approx.)

The processor:

The processor:

A processor is nothing but your device’s CPU. The more powerful your processor, the faster you can complete the tasks. You can multitask effortlessly without tiring the computer out. So, select the higher-end processor to help you optimize your performance.

AMD Ryzen is an understated processor that provides better performance at a budget-friendly price. And we all know Intel is the dominant processor all over the industry. If you’re really interested in processors and nothing else, I’d suggest you compare the two and decide.

Battery life:

Battery life:

Most of us use the laptop as an extended version of our smartphones and want to use it for a long time with just a one-time charge. The battery diminishes due to various reasons other than just what the companies advertise. It depends on your application’s usability and the brightness you use. Don’t go by the numbers that the manufacturers state. Instead, look for the battery’s Watt hours (Wh) or milliamp-hours (mAh). The greater it is, the longer it lasts.


Laptops are already coming with huge internal spaces. However, this does slow down the computer’s speed. And, if you want to choose external storage, I’d suggest you invest in SSD (Solid State Drive). These offer top speed without adding weight to the laptop.

Expert Advice:

No matter how much we google things and compare products, there is no matching as an expert’s suggestion. A person who understands your needs and advises you per your requirements. You can find one easily with tools like This tool helps you to get emails (professional ones) from the experts you find online. Utilize this freemium website on your Linkedin account as well, with its chrome extension.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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