Top 5 Renovation Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Home & garden by  Ariana Smith 07 June 2018

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Are you ready to get started on your first renovation project? Take heed, it’s not as easy as it looks on TV. Diving headfirst into a project without the right preparation can lead to some pretty pricey mistakes. So, here are a few important renovations fails to avoid.

  1. Not Measuring Properly:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is a common one. Measuring incorrectly can cost a great deal of money. Being off even a mere inch can have serious consequences. To avoid incorrect measurements, measure more than once.

  1. Concentrating on Aesthetics:

When you undertake a renovation, you want your space to look new and fresh, but it shouldn’t be your only goal. Don’t miss doing a repair, nor should you choose a lower-quality material for something you won’t be able to see. For instance, sub-standard tiles in the bathroom could result in mold. You can also get quality bathroom parts like Grohe showers that will both look great and function the way a shower ought to.

You may also add in features that bring you comfort, such as high-quality electric underfloor heating systems, especially when you have a cold, tiled floor.

  1. The Wrong Paint:

Many homeowners spend hours comparing different paint samples to find the perfect color for their home. But, they don’t put as much time and effort into the different kinds of paint on the market. There’s a paint for every kind of surface, and a wide range of finishes and purposes.

  1. Going Over Budget:

A lot of DIY fanatics take on a home renovation project only to spend much more money than they had anticipated. Often, this is due to poor planning or choosing high-end supplies that are over budget. Of course, you don’t want to be too frugal with the materials you choose, but you also don’t want to spend more than you need to. So, plan your project. Carefully set a budget and stick to it. However, leave a little wiggle room for any unexpected expenses. Browse through different online stores for quality materials and excellent prices.

  1. Being Too Eager to Buy Materials:

Many homeowners head to a home improvement store and just happen to spot something they think they absolutely have to have, or they’re shopping online and come across a great deal for tiles, when they can have one of those elegant bathroom suites, for example, and all it would take is proper planning, budgeting, and relying on the right people. Buying items before you have completely and thoroughly planned out your renovation project is a big mistake and one that is easy enough to avoid.

Make sure, before you even buy items for your project, that you have all the accurate measurements and a crystal-clear idea of what your completed project will look like before you begin purchasing materials and supplies. While low prices on an unexpected sale are definitely tempting, you may just end up losing money when you find out that your new item is completely the wrong size or that you failed to order enough tiles and the store has sold out.

Make a plan, determine your budget and then buy your suppliers for your renovation project.

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Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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