5 Ways To Get Rid of Sleep Disorders

Health & Fitness by  Mashum Mollah 15 March 2021

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are disorders that are termed as such because of the effect they have on a person’s ability to sleep properly regularly. An underlying health condition may cause it, or it may arise due to too much stress. Whatever the reason is, it is a fact that there are more people suffering from sleeping disorders than at any previous time in human history.

Things have gotten so bad that about 1/3rd of adults in the States report not getting even 7 proper hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. Another statistic that may shock you is that more than about 70 percent of high school students report not getting 8 hours of sleep during weeknights.

A lot of people very often experience problems with their sleep because of too much stress, schedules that are abnormal, and also because of other influences from the outside. However, it is when these issues persist on a more regular basis and cause problems with day-to-day functioning that it is termed as a sleeping disorder.

Sleeping disorders vary, and depending on the type of sleeping disorder a person has, he/she may notice they have difficulty falling asleep at night and trouble staying awake during the day. This lack of sleep can cause all sorts of problems to the person who is suffering from the condition. It includes negative effects on their energy levels, concentration, mood, and just overall health.

In some particular cases, sleep disorders may be an indication that there is some sort of underlying medical or mental health problem. Problems with sleep in these instances normally go away once the underlying health condition is addressed.

When these disorders happen on their own and are not a result of an underlying condition, treatment for the disorder will normally involve a mixture of both medicinal treatments and also lifestyle changes.

It goes without saying that receiving a prompt and quick diagnosis can go a long way in helping a person fight and manage the disorder. If the condition is left untreated, then it may lead to further health complications down the line. Sleep disorders have the ability to affect a person’s work performance, cause friction in relationships, and also hamper the ability to carry out daily activities.

Let us now take a look at some of the things that you can do at home to beat these disorders.



Meditation of the mindful nature comprises steady and slow breathing while sitting quietly at a spot. You are supposed to observe your body, breath, thoughts, sensations, and feelings as they come and go.

Meditation of this nature has multiple health benefits. These benefits are such that they go hand-in-hand with a lifestyle that is healthy and one that promotes quality sleep. Meditation also has the very real potential of reducing stress, improving concentration levels, and also boost the immune system of the person.

Repeating A Mantra:

Repeating mantras and/or positive affirmations can really help focus and also calm the minds. These mantras have been known to produce a very good feeling of relaxation by making the mind go quiet.

A study conducted in 2016 taught homeless women some of these mantras and had them repeat them as the day went on and also before they went to sleep. The research participants who made sure to do these exercises were able to notice a significant reduction in the symptoms of their insomnia.

Try Light Therapy:

Light Therapy

Light therapy is an extremely popular form of therapy that makes use of artificial light in order to mimic the natural light of the outdoors in an indoor setting. Light therapy is beneficial for a whole host of conditions, including sleep disorders.

Exposure to light is very important in maintaining the circadian rhythm of our bodies. This is the internal body clock that makes us fall asleep at night and helps us stay awake during the day. When the circadian rhythm of the body is offset, it can really cause a lot of problems with our sleep.

This is where light therapy is so beneficial for those who are experiencing sleeping disorders. By getting exposed to light at the proper times of the day, you can make sure that your circadian rhythm is set properly. This will really help you with your sleep issues.

Try Yoga:

A lot of studies have able been able to determine that yoga has a very positive effect on the quality of our sleep. Yoga also has numerous other health benefits. This includes things such as stress reduction, improved physical functioning, as well as better mental focus.

You would be wise to choose a type of yoga that focuses much more on meditation that is moving and/or works with your breath as opposed to the types that require tough movements physically. When you go with yoga that uses slow and controlled movements, you are more likely to stay both presents as well as focused. Restorative yoga and yin are both fantastic options if you want to do these types of exercises.



In this day and age, it really should not come as a surprise that we are recommending exercise for your sleep problems. Exercise has the very real potential to boost the overall health of a person. It can very definitely help with elevating mood, giving you a ton more energy, help you lose weight, and also promote general better sleep.

To truly receive the benefits of exercise, make sure that you do it in moderation for about 20 minutes every day. You can add a bit of strength training or some intense aerobic exercises a few times every week. You should ideally find a time of the day that is the best suitable for you to exercise and also has the best effect on how you sleep.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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