8 Easy Steps to Keep Your Body Fit in Your 40s

Health & Fitness by  Sumona 18 January 2023

Body Fit

In your 40s, you’re probably not getting any younger. You may find that you’re not as active as you used to be, and your metabolism is slowing down. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still stay fit!

Here are some easy steps you can take to keep your body healthy and strong:

1. Join a Fitness Challenge

It’s never too late to start. We all have busy lives, so it can be hard to find the time and motivation to commit to a fitness routine. A 12 week fitness challenge is a good way to keep you going when things start getting difficult.

Fitness challenges come in many different forms, but they all have one thing in common: they provide the structure and support you need to stay motivated through those tough times when you think about skipping your workout (we’ve all been there). There are lots of free and paid challenges out there; if you’re looking for something free, check out Couch25k or C25K+!

If finding exactly what works best for your lifestyle feels overwhelming, consider trying multiple challenges before committing yourself entirely. This way, if one doesn’t work out as planned (or isn’t suited for whatever reason), then at least it won’t feel like such a loss by comparison with another exercise program that might end up being more suitable after all

2. Train Your Brain

Training your brain is a great way to keep it sharp. You might not think of your brain as an “exercise” muscle, but just like the rest of your body, it needs exercise to stay healthy. There are plenty of ways for you to train your brain and keep it in shape so that you can be at peak performance as you get older.

Here are some examples:

  • Reading books or taking online classes
  • Working on crossword puzzles or Sudoku puzzles
  • Playing video games that require problem-solving skills or memory.

3. Try Fun Workout

If you’re working out with a friend, try something new for both of you! That way it’ll be more engaging and exciting. Something like walking, dancing or fitness boxing are great ways to stay active while also having fun with your partner(s).

You could even try yoga—the classes are often smaller than in traditional gyms, which means more attention from the instructor and less pressure if this is your first time trying it.

4. Practice Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that strengthens your core and helps improve your posture, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Pilates exercises can also help you strengthen the back muscles that support your spine. The basic moves of Pilates involve holding particular positions for about 30 seconds at a time, which means there’s no impact on joints or bones—a great choice if you have arthritis or are recovering from an injury.

Pilates can be done in many different ways: in a studio with an instructor or using DVDs at home; using equipment such as resistance bands; or using pilates mat placed on the floor for exercises such as push-ups (see below). It’s important to find out what type of Pilates is right for you by consulting with a certified instructor who specializes in working specifically with people over age 40.

5. Set Specific Goals

Setting goals is important for keeping your body fit as you get older. A good goal is specific and measurable, so it can help keep you motivated to achieve it. Here’s an example: If you want to be able to run a mile in under eight minutes by your 40th birthday, then write down what that means and how much time it will take up in your life—as well as any other factors that might affect your success (you’ll have more energy if you train early in the morning).

Of course, don’t aim for something unrealistic; even if this goal seems like an easy one today, everyone has been there when they thought something was going to be “easy” only later realizing how challenging it was!

6. Listen to Your Body

Now that you know what to do, it’s time to listen to your body. If you feel tired or in pain, stop doing whatever activity that is causing this discomfort. This might sound obvious, but many people push themselves too hard and end up injuring themselves because they don’t know when to stop. A good rule of thumb is if something hurts for more than a day after doing it, back off on the intensity level until your muscles have recovered from the shock.

Before starting any new exercise routine or workout program, always check with your doctor first! They can help you figure out what type of fitness program would be best for your body type and make sure that it won’t cause any problems for other conditions that may already exist (this is especially important if there are people with pre-existing heart disease).

7. Sleep More

It’s time to get serious about your sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need seven to nine hours of restful sleep each night. But the average American gets less than that—about 6½ hours per night—and it’s not just because we have busy schedules or spend too much time watching TV late at night. Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep contributes directly to weight gain and even obesity.

If you’ve tried everything else and are still struggling with excess weight, consult your doctor about whether you may be suffering from sleep apnea or another condition that might need treatment before making any more changes in your diet or exercise routine.

8. Take Time to Recover from Injury

If you have an injury, take time off from exercise as recommended by your doctor or physical therapist. If you find yourself getting over-stressed and burnt out from training, take a week off. You may need more time than this if the burnout is severe. Stretching and foam rolling can help keep your muscles loose and ready for action even if you aren’t hitting the gym regularly (or at all).


The great news is that you don’t have to train like an athlete, but you do need to keep moving and listen to your body if you want to stay fit and healthy in your 40s. Just like with any other age group, the key is consistency. If it seems like too much work or if you aren’t sure what kind of exercise program would work best for your body type and lifestyle, remember that there are many options out there when it comes time to get active!



Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in EmblemWealth

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